Pemerson wrote:Where do athiests plan to go 'as a group?'
I'm asking what will athiests do other than say they are athiests. I thought people would learn something more about athiests if any of you knew about Obama's plan to attend this "meeting."
Except for a handful of ranting militants who call themselves atheists, i cannot think of any reason to consider them as being the members of a group, other than by external definition. Rejecting a belief system doesn't make one the member of a club, just because those in do so have a "family resemblance" in the eyes those who resent or don't understand that rejection.
Quote:The first Christians were killed?
I think the Cathars were considered to be Christians but I don't think they called themselves Christians. They taught and lived by the teachings of Jesus, mostly the Book of John. The Albigensian Crusade began in 1209 and ended in 1321. There were also several other religions that existed at the time. Anyone who didn't agreed with the Catholics died. Most people know that. After that Crusade came The Inquisition.
This is so fraught with misinformation, i hardly know where to start. The Cathars certainly did consider themselves to be Christians. They can hardly be described as "the first Christians," however, given that they first appear a thousand years after the cult of Christianity began, and were not finally disposed of until two hundred years later.
You're making a distinction here which is disingenuous. There were no other Christians in Europe other than the Catholics, with the exception of the Greek Orthodox Church and its adherents, who didn't consider themselves to be much separated from the Catholics, except on certain minute points of theology. When the Protestants appear after the Reformation, they just as eagerly killed Catholics, and one another--they also burned witches in appalling numbers. I smell a Protestant rat here, and suspect that you are in the grip of typical Protestant anti-Catholic hysterical paranoia--so no, most people don't necessarily "know that." To me, of course, it's all one. Christians are dangerous and murderous, and they continue to prove that right up to the present day.
The inquisition was an office of the church the purpose of which was to inquire (hence inquisition) into allegations of apostasy or heresy--it was an investigative and prosecutorial office of the church. It existed a long time, and it did not suddenly spring into existence after the Albigensian crusade. The inquisition to which i suspect you refer is the special office of the inquisition granted to the dual monarchs of Castile and Aragon, Isabella and Ferdinand. In 1492, they accomplished the
reconquista, the driving of the Moors (descendants of North African Muslims) from the Iberian peninsula. Most people would think "Spain," although Spain as we know it did not then exist.
Having succeeded in their military campaign against the Muslims, they undertook to drive all Jews out of what we now think of as Spain, and then in 1502 began the expulsion of the Muslims. To that purpose, the Pope allowed them to establish a special permanent office of the inquisition in Spain. This is hardly to be wondered at, since the Pope, Alexander VI, known to the Italians as Rodrigo Borgia, was himself Spanish. But the inquisition did not suddenly spring into existence. Historians generally recognize several inquisitions, and all proceeded from an existing papal office for the investigation and suppression of heresy and apostasy.
It sounds to me like you're retailing Protestant bigotry. And like all bigotry, it demonstrates that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. This doesn't mean, though, that i'm calling you a bigot--i do suspect, though, that you hold your beliefs largely unexamined.