I don't know because the video wouldn't play for me. But it isn't preaching to point out that science can't save souls because science doesn't recognise the existence of souls.
And it is not preaching to report on my own experience that militant atheists believe, or act as if they believe, that they have superior intellects, more knowledge and better understanding and are contemptuously arrogant in expressing such beliefs.
People wouldn't put me on Ignore if I only preached surely? Preachers are easy to deal with. farmerman welcomes Christian preaching on the evolution threads. It's Christian social consequences of the sociological and pysychological type that he parades his avoidance of as a badge of honour.
Diderot was a serial adulterer. His sister was a nun. He was married to a Roman Catholic and a close friend of Rousseau. He was pessimistic about the value of technological progress. Which makes quoting him on cyber gizmos somewhat ridiculous.
Heinlein was a proponent of polyamatory which might be called general promiscuity. That is "cheating" and jealousy are not factors worth considering. Not many ladies will buy into that. And with far-fetched science fiction he breaks Henry Fielding's rules on what it is legitimate to write about for an adult audience. Some of his books deal in a positive light with incest and sexual relations between adults and children.
The Harvard Lampoon could probably be mined for a quotation to suit any purpose. It is an undergraduate mag. which is said to contain what one assumes is undergraduate humour. It has a reputation for bachanalian parties but I don't know if they are Peyton Place style or that of Eleusis. To really qualify as bachanalian they ought to be the latter but I very much doubt they are. Undergrads often pose as more daring than they actually are by using word magic and some secrecy. The HL will be posh I suppose. I would guess it is characterised by that arrogant, superior, sneering priggishness which is common in those whose parents have bought their education often with money which derives from questionable sources.
I don't preach at all. I'm a scientist. Why is it preaching to ask militant atheists if they want a completely atheist society. It is preaching to refuse to answer the question and carry on with the carefully selected quotations as if it needs no answer. If atheists don't want to see a completely atheist society they are arguing about what is the best colour for a car.
If I was promoting atheism it would be for no other reason than that I wished to see a completely atheist society. I can't see the point otherwise.