@failures art,
Quote:I came across this video, and I thought it was very moving.
What did it move in/for you?
My reaction was mixed. The visuals were stunning. I enjoyed looking at it (the video) immensely.
The guy's narration (who is he?) was extremely annoying. He sounds like an arrogant prick.
His take on it all reminded me of one of the guys I work with who is always talking down Americans (he calls me 'the colonist') and I think I was washing my tea mug out differently than he would have done it or something equally as inane and he said, 'Bloody colonists - always have to do things their own way,' and I retorted, 'Bloody Imperialists - always think there's only one way to do something and that's THEIR way'.
This guy's narration was so ******* full of his belief in his own superior intellect, knowledge and/or understanding.
He doesn't offer anything I haven't heard before - but oh - he's gonna save peoples' souls with this NEW information or way to interpret it.
How arrogant.
And in what way is this different from any preacher of any other religion?
'This is how I think you should look at it!' In fact, he's saying, 'If you don't look at it the way I look at it - you're ignorant.'
How is that any different from any other religion?
Why can't I or anyone else interpret the same information differently from this guy?
He assumes people don't know it - maybe they do know it and interpret its meanings or origins differently from how he does.