@failures art,
Quote: Quote: Quote: Faith is believing in that building in the middle of a park, going there, not finding a building, and then rejecting your experience to maintain a belief that the building MUST exist.
Are you say the building cant exist because you have never made a mistake or that you have been to the only park ?
I can't understand this question.
Perhaps if you read it again....
Quote:Nothing about atheism demands that you have no proof.
Then prove there is no God. You do have proof right ?
Quote: Quote: Religious people have no proof of God existing.
Quite right.
Therefore it is an act of faith.
Quote:Quote:Atheists have no proof that God does not exist.
Nor do they need it.
That very statement requires an act of faith.
Quote:I don't need to prove what a god didn't do, if I instead prove what what happened came by natural mechanisms.
Did God make the natural mechanisms and can you prove God didnt ?
Quote:Agnostic isn't a state in conflict with atheism.
You.ve been to atheist web sites again havent you ? Agnosticism is awaiting knowledge. That means a prove God does exist or prove God doesnt exist. That could be a very long time.
Ionus wrote: Skepticism does not involve an attack on others. That is the power of belief.
Show me a definition of belief that includes this.
You have made an error of logic. No definition of belief includes what it CAN do. But here is a definition anyway :
belief (bɪˈliːf) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
1. a principle, proposition, idea, etc,
accepted as true
2. opinion; conviction
3. religious faith
4. trust or confidence, as in a person or a person's abilities, probity, etc
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
So how is the acceptance of the proposition that God does not exist not a belief ?
Emphasis added. By your own definition YOU PROVIDED, it requires a belief to be in the affirmative. It does not define what is accepted as false, but true. Additionally, you didn't demonstrate where in the definition of belief comes attacking people. That was the reason I requested the definition in the first place. Your concession is noted.
But the concession is only in your mind. I take it you have accepted the definition that your belief in there not being a God is accepted as being true. Or are you arguing your belief in there not being a God is false ?
Quote: Quote:Quote:people who cannot be convinced in the existence of god. You talked about the faith they needed to maintain such a position. You now claim to accept that your non-belief in unicorns is faith based, and yet you also acknowledge a whole planet of them could exist? So if your faith assertion on atheists holds that they take a stance where they cannot be convinced of the existence of gods, how is it different from your unicorn faith? You imply directly that they could exist immediately after saying that you have faith they don't exist.
Please be serious or our conversation is at an end.
What is not serious?
On reflection, perhaps you simply don't understand rather than are trying some silly maneuver. It takes faith to believe in unicorns one way or the other. If it doesnt take faith, then I will expect your proof that they dont exist. I have added emphasis to one sentence. I though you were not serious because you explained it youraself after arguing it is a contradiction. There is no contradiction. You have actually scored an own goal.
Quote:Quote:How can you have skepticism about everything if not by an active belief ?
That's like saying you are always wearing the clothes you don't have on your body.
Your love of analogies shows your willingness to distort rather than argue reality.
Quote:I said that that the more we learn about the natural history of the cosmos, the less and less convincing the claims of gods become.
Tell me how the Big Bang was created ? Tell me how infinity is understood ? Tell me how the increasing complexity of the universe is a natural force ?
Quote:Quote:Perhaps you are referring to the city of Troy when you say stories have been proven to be false.
That amongst others.
I cant wait to hear how the City of Troy doesnt exist.
That's massaging cognitive dissonance.
Have you ever thought of writing something so it is intelligible ? If your thoughts are too complex for mere mortals to fathom, might I suggest you not condescend to share them with us ?
Quote:Quote:The mind of my cat is not concerned with rolling around on the grass in the backyard because it can hear a dog but knows it is not in this area.
You did nothing to clarify this.
You have no faith in there being a God because you have an easy well fed life where death is a block away.
Quote:It comes from the failure of proposed gods to satisfy my criteria of belief.
Havent you been following ? Faith requires no set criteria. Just to humuor you, what criteria do you require to have faith ? There's an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Quote:Again, agnosticism is about KNOWLEDGE. It is not about faith.
Which is why if you have no faith either way you are agnostic.
Quote:Accepting god is an active process. It is not natural, but supernatural.
So primitive societies had supernatural powers ?
Quote:Tell you what... Go climb in a foxhole, and if your arm or leg gets blown off, lets see if you call for a chaplain or a medic.
And before my arm gets blown off and I am terrified of dying ? Who will I call for then ? A medic ? Or will I say a little prayer to get me out alive ?