@cicerone imposter,
Alright ci. I'll put it another way.
What are the effects of being freed from slavery to some man-made God, not praying, not asking for the soul to be saved and being responsible for your own life?
It has often been said that the falsifications and fantasies of romance are necessary to enable people to bear the terrors of life and that only the very strongest characters can look the facts of life full in the face. That would certainly explain the human race's constant and abiding attraction to romance and story telling and the notion of the "happy ending" which is such a feature of our fictional tales.
I suppose poring over travel brochures might achieve the same objective but it is a lot more expensive than a dollar in the plate once a week.
To what extent is the slavery to a man-made God more trying than slavery to a desk or production-line god. To what extent is responsibility for your own life reduced by the emergency services and the protection of the police. Is it even possible to be responsible for your own life despite how fine a sentiment it sounds when brayed over people who are either too cowed or too stupid to laugh the idea to scorn.