I didn't mean to make it so ...I think it's just a difference as to what we attribute things, life, music, etc.
And the fact that I might attribute it to (a) and you might attribute it to (b) has little bearing on the value we assign to it.
I think I just know someone like me couldn't have come up with music, or the stars or gravity or radial heads (which I've found out recently control every movement you make with your hands and fingers)- which I worship and couldn't live without - but you know - maybe I'm wrong.
Whatever. I know there are some really smart people in the world - WAY SMARTER THAN ME!
But my question is - if a person didn't come up with it - who did?
So, it's okay if other people don't believe in God - but what the hell - What person DO they believe came up with all of this?
They can't seem to tell me - that's why I don't believe in atheism.