@failures art,
failures art wrote:
You don't see them as related?
Isn't the superior mindset that you (not you, but the royal you), unlike non-Christians, will be exempt from eternal damnation. Also, because the option to be "saved" is readily available, those who don't get get saved have nobody to blame but themselves for their infinite torture upon entering the afterlife.
They are only related in the mind of those who want to relate them. I don't believe that Christians are tasked to do anything other than provide for their own soul salvation. They cannot save anybody. They cannot ensure that they themselves, let alone anybody else, will receive the salvation which they seek.
I suppose the right wing fundamentalists, mostly in the U.S. from what I understand, could be seen as what you describe. That does not, however, stand with all Christians. Christians, just as atheists, are not always understood. Stereotyping has a lot to do with that.
My opinion is that we Christians are not superior. We do not hold a royal flush in the world game of poker. We could be holding aces and eights for all we know.
If someone wants to hear testimony, I would be glad to provide it. If they don't, I would be glad to be their friend and never mention it again. We are not elitist. Well, not all of us anyhow.
What I find odd is that when a label is attached, people act in a certain way. Without a label, people are still the same but do not act in the same manner as they do when labeled.