Quote:I suspect that Spurious introduced into the discussion the notion that this has something to with some historical imperative, although i can't be sure because i don't read his posts.
I suspect that Setanta doesn't read my posts so that he can suspect I have said something which he necessarily must have to conjure up in his own head and which then allows him the scope to say anything he wishes in order to associate it with me, despite his not being sure about it, and thus insinuating into the minds of his unfortunate fans, much as Dr Goebells did in days of yore as most of the world sat and watched, that I might have said it which he presumably hopes is then tranfigured, by a sort of corny magic dependent upon them having forgotten about his not being sure, into the fact that I have said it and all the while taking the opportunity, engineered by himself, to remind them all once again that he doesn't read my posts.
The remainder of his post is utterly ridiculous. He has obviously not read Juvenal. He obviously does not know that early Christianity was a Jewish sect prescribing circumcision, askesis and certain dietary rules and is wholly different from the Gothic Christianity of northern, forested Europe which we know today as can easily be seen from the architecture of cathedrals, where our prime symbol of pure infinite space and light, from which calculus and Faustian science derived, and his computer, is not remotely comparable with religious architecture in regions further south the prime symbol of which is the here and now and where the mathematics of Euclid exhausted itself as soon as it was completed.
He's a dabbler in history with a smattering of disconnected facts at his diposal and a seeming skill to parley them into a semblence of expertise for those who are only half attending or are completely stupid. The simple and obvious fact is that history is not disconnected but is a continuous process of becoming and cannot be used, except by charlatans, as an
a la carte menu from which can be chosen whatever suits the needs of the moment. The temptation with that is always to be choosing the comforter with the most syrup on it.