I just had a new one -- deaf missionaries. They were hearing actually, but they knew sign language and were specifically looking to recruit deaf people to their church. (Like, not general door-to-door, but drive to a
specific deaf person's house, do the spiel, then get back in the car and drive to another deaf person's house....) I dunno how they find us.
I was doing some stuff in my driveway and not looking towards the street and they got too close and I must've done some sort of karate stance 'cause they literally backed off a few steps. (Don't sneak up on me!)
Then they started signing to me. I was like, Whhhaaaa??
Then I commenced telling 'em to scram.
Really pissed me off.
They did some follow-up stuff and E.G. took over the telling-off (I wasn't home), and haven't heard from them since.