@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:
Our society has very strong rules against adults having sex with adolescents... a practice that was accepted, and even encouraged by other cultures.
if you go back not even 150 years, it used to be common place and expected for teenage girls to marry 30 year old men.
That was just how it was done.
Probably based on the average life span being 40 to maybe 50. To produce children, you needed a woman BEFORE 40.
With many plagues and health issues, people did not live long.
The young and strong were ideal .... not jail bait (

Nothing was wrong with that. that was how our society was.
With the introduction to modern medicine, people began living longer.
How did that change our mindset? Im clueless.. but its obvious it has.
Maybe its that core survival thing kicking in. You dont need to chase the young ones anymore? (tongue in cheek here...)