rockpie wrote:
Sorry Joe, I would say it is acceptable that any circumstance in which both people are respectful of each other, the act, and it's psychological and emotional implications.
I'm not trying to be nit-picky or anything, but I just don't understand your distinction here. You said that sex shouldn't be solely for pleasure, but I don't see anything here about pleasure. You want this to be some sort of philosophical position, yet I'm having a very difficult time discerning any kind of
rule that you're proposing, or how your qualifications here are consistent with your initial opposition to sex for pleasure.
For instance, if both people are respectful of each other, the act, and its psychological and emotional implications, how does that rule out having sex solely for pleasure? Do these people have to approach sex with some sort of grim determination or perform a solemn ritual that signifies their respect for the act of sex or that, in some way or another, detracts from their pleasure? In short, can two people in a loving, committed relationship who respect the act of sex and its implications still get their freak on?