@Robert Gentel,
I recall several of the homework questions that set and msolga had mentioned. I get really torqued off when an obvious upper grade kid will ask for a specific derivative solution or (even more telling) a specific reaction product in chemistry. If all the kid is doing is transferring the assignment here and then walking away and , sfter its answered, we never even hear from the kid again. That displayes an attitude that does not seem to celebrate pwersonal success or mastery.
I recall one where some small group of kids (all from the same class no doubt) asked
"What were the three main causes of the AMerican Civil WAr. "
Thre were actually more than merely three, and by getting 3 "reasons" , the students entire intellectual quest was over.
AS far as pro bono, we all do lots in opur fields for others for free and , ususally these things involve hydra headed problem solving and not "Quick, gimme the 3 reasons for the Civil War"
I , on the most prt, have quit getting involved in homework questions unless I sense that the student has already done some initial analyses and is either
1 using us as a QA of their own work
2 or is asking a more detailed analysis based question that seemingly departs from what the teacher originally assigned.
3 HOWEVER ,I will NEVER answer anything to do with spelling or punctuation because what I do in writing my posts has been punished as a minor felony in the several states.
I can recognize the setup questions that a teacher has constructed. Many times , they need to be analyzed and the question needs further sub catagorizing. To recognize that and make the teacher aware that you , the student, had gone beyond the teachers horizon is what teachers live for. I get really depressed at some of the shittly set-upped questions that these kid are given and the kids dont even bother to critique thw questions.
Being a public school teacher in this age must be frutrating if the teacher is one of these Imperious types whoise utterances are the final word. I know that my students run me in small circles when it comes to questions regarding resource extraction and environmental concerns. However, ya gotta love it when youve been shown some new , undreamt of point in your own analysis by some really sharp bunches of students.