Thu 7 Jan, 2010 05:54 am
Some of our temps may be in the teens later this week. We expect a hard freeze, coldest weather in at least 14 years. I may have to drive home from work in sleeting conditions. Where the hell is global warming when you need it?
im absolutely looking forward too it too. debating on putting off work to stay home and shiver.
Good question . . . i suspect they're asking it in England right about now, too.
edgarblythe wrote:Where the hell is global warming when you need it?
It's up here in New Hampshire. It's supposed to get above freezing today, practically balmy for January
It's 72 F out here in southern California - has been for the last 6 days .
Needless to say, we're not complaining the least.
Quote:Where the hell is global warming when you need it?
I think we may have your share over here. You're welcome to come get it. Anytime now would be OK.
The big headline on Yahoo! today is "Wind Chills of -50, Snow Imperil Midwest."
Really? Are we really in peril?
"Jesus. Jesus Christ. Honey! Where are the kids? Goddamnit, where are they?"
"Sweetie, what's gotten into you?"
"Snow! Snow everywhere!"
"Calm down. What's the rifle for?"
"I'm sorry, my love. But I won't let the snow take us alive. Now round up the kids."
"Honey, you do realize that the snow is outside."
"And we're inside."
"Are you saying the snow can't get us in here? It won't snow inside the house?"
"That's what I'm saying."
"But what if we want to go outside? There's snow goddamn everywhere!"
"You could put your boots on. And a hat and some gloves."
"You know I hadn't thought of that. Well, carry on then."
edgarblythe wrote:Some of our temps may be in the teens later this week.
We expect a hard freeze, coldest weather in at least 14 years.
I may have to drive home from work in sleeting conditions.
Where the hell is global warming when you need it?
Its cold here in NY too. It pleases me that I have no reason to leave my house; nice n warm.
Just warmly enjoy undemanding Freedom
Quote:Some of our temps may be in the teens later this week. We expect a hard freeze, coldest weather in at least 14 years. I may have to drive home from work in sleeting conditions. Where the hell is global warming when you need it?
Thank goodness! I thought it was a Broadway style adaptation of the 1983 Yuppie classic film,
The Big Chill!

You scared me there for awhile
Seaglass and I went to the beach yesterday, CJ. Punaluu, the black sand beach. Spent all afternoon just dozing in our beach chairs, looking out at the surf and scanning the beach for those big turtles that come out to bask from time to time. Temp? Oh, around 80 degrees F., something like that.
According to what I've heard, extreme/unusual weather patterns are a part of global warming. So a prolonged deep freeze for you seems consistent with global warming.
In my area, when it rains, it rains for days and days, it never used to be like that. I am not in the Pacific Northwest.
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:Seaglass and I went to the beach yesterday, CJ. Punaluu, the black sand beach. Spent all afternoon just dozing in our beach chairs, looking out at the surf and scanning the beach for those big turtles that come out to bask from time to time. Temp? Oh, around 80 degrees F., something like that.
Does Seaglass mean telescope ?
Thank you Soz, I was about to post something similar.
It seems this time of year everyone (liberal and republican) seem to forget about all the record highs we saw all summer long.
While much of Canada is getting a horrible winter this season, my part of British Columbia is quite balmy, in comparison. We have had only dustings of snow back in December and temperatures, for the most part, quite reasonable.
So far, so good....
You guys in Texas are a bunch of wimps! We have an office there - and as a result of the severe cold, they get to wear jeans! And suggestions to bring laptops home and stuff in case they can't make it in. Schools are closed because of the severe cold.
What the h*ll? We have below zero out and we are expected to be in dressed in business clothes. I've had to come in a blizzard before! And some one please explain to me how wearing jeans helps with the cold?
Things haven't been so bad on the lake shore at Toronto. We've only started to get snow within the last week, and then never in very large quantities at once. It has been bloody cold, but, what the hell, this is Canadia.
It's pretty damn cold here today.
3 layers and a cat cold.
We're we're snowed in here in England yesterday, still pretty thick here at the moment, so "unfortunatly" we can't get to class...
Then again, they've shut it before for a couple inches...
We're not
very good at handling snow.