My friend had a speech, along with her two children, when her husband died unpextedly in their home - he was not it- it was shocking, heartbreaking.
It was not your run of the mill funeral. She didn'l look at the speech she had written - she just couldn't - but she found a voice to speak with when she stood up - she looked directly at Michaels coffin as if she were talking to him - she spoke from heart, midst tears. So did the children (young kids - 11 and 13)
she remembered things and said them, places they had been, her comfort and love for him - she laughed annd cried, said how much she would miss him - everyone one of us was deeply affected. You see, she talked to "him" and him only - we weren't even in the room in her eyes - to her husband - she spoke of things we didn't know abuot.. that gave an insight to their relationship which no-one (bar a couple) knew about. People learned a lot about her departed husband with what she said.
it was very different and difficult, uplifting to see her strength of character, tho she had a friend along side of her to support her from behind, should she not be able to continue.
It will come from heart - but whatever you say - it is a conversation between you and Lilia - your way of letting her be at peace and knowing you will always love her.
After the funeral, we celebrated his life - people found it hard to look her and the kids in the eye - they avoided her - that continued that for a long time, weeks, months, people did not know what to say, so with eyes down they would say nothing about Mike, even crossing the road to avoid having to ask how she was. The pain that caused her was inimaginable. He did exist - he was worth talking about.
Eventually - she wished to shout out loud "don't you all realised he's gone and i have to continue - don't pretend he didnt exist" - she did that a few times. Quite loudly.
Very difficult.
Talk to Lilia as you would have spoken to her if she were here. Tell how much you will miss her , remind everyone of the things you got up to that you'll hold in your heart forever - it;s your time to let her know how special she is to you.
(apols for typos - late in the UK... need sleep)
Do whatever you can that feels right for you - play her favourite record, leave the service feeling as tho are never walking away from her - she'll always be in your heart.