I've found it quite convenient that Mrs. Timber and I wear the same size jeans and sweatshirts ... but then, that's just from a closet-organizing point of view. As far as I'm concerned, a woman is the right size if she doesn't need help moving furniture or using a shovel.
Does it have a name?
Many men and many couples choose a name for the man's penis. The great love of my life and I agreed that his penis' name was Walter Mitty, because he had dreams of greatness.
Alice went down the rabbit hole.
That's all I'm saying.
I can understand guys giving their cars female names but .....
My car is called Algernon.
Ain't mine, heeven. I don't go for rabbits.
and thanks to littlek, i've become addicted to
My wife is a size 5--and damn full of herself--take her if you want.