Proof of nonexistence of free will

Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 05:00 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Your last sentence makes no sense. That’s the reason why the UN is an important organization. We control Russia and China through our allies; we cannot do it alone. Bj, it’s not about Roe vs Wade. It’s about precedence concerning all laws.

Is this the sentence you are referring to.

And about Trump praising Putin; a wise person keeps his friends close and his enemies closer.

See this video to see how even SNL caught on to this.

Precedence means not changing the intent of the founders of the constitution without amending it. Liberal judges have as a goal to change precedence without amending and then cry wolf when conservative want to change it back. you cant have it both ways.

Name one ally in the UN that is helping us get Russia to do what we want. And explain how they are doing it. I don't see much evidence that the UN has the USA's best interest in mind but please provide it.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 07:03 pm
Precedence means not changing the intent of the founders of the constitution without amending it. Liberal judges have as a goal to change precedence without amending and then cry wolf when conservative want to change it back. you cant have it both ways.
. Totally wrong. That's the reason why we have amendments to the Constitution. In law, precedence is used in similar cases until which time a bad law can be revised to be improved. It's not about "conservatives wanting to change it back." It's about keeping true to American values.
Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 08:28 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It's not about "conservatives wanting to change it back." It's about keeping true to American values.
Decisions like Roe v Wade had no precedence. They found something in the constitution that never was there before. That is called legislating or amending the constitution from the bench to match the judge's values not America's values.

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 10:31 pm
That's what judges do. Complain to them. I have absolutely no control over their decision making.
Reply Wed 10 Apr, 2019 06:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I am not complaining about Trump's selection of judges, you are. I think they are logical and highly qualified. Dont you?
Reply Wed 10 Apr, 2019 07:03 pm
I don't think I could disagree more.
Reply Wed 10 Apr, 2019 07:58 pm
Why. Trump appointed judges that are similar to other judges on the court why would His be wrong at the others right?
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 10 Apr, 2019 09:32 pm
Trump's hard-right judges will do lasting damage to America
Shira A Scheindlin
The president has appointed an array of judges who are anti-choice, anti-union, anti-immigrant and pro-gun. They could cause permanent harm
On "anti-choice: It should be the woman's right with her doctor to determine what is in the best interest of her health and the child's." On "anti-union: Unions have assisted non-union workers to improve their wages and other benefits. On "anti-immigrant: It's a racist dog whistle for all the bigots in this country. We are all the product of immigrants except for the Native Americans. Trump's border wall, and his rhetoric about Mexicans being "criminals and rapists" doesn't even come close to the facts. From Fact Check: "Research Showing Lower Crime Rates
Alex Nowrasteh, with the libertarian Cato Institute, analyzed the Texas data to make a comparison of immigrants in the country illegally and native-born residents. In a recent post he noted that in 2015 Texas police made 815,689 arrests of native-born Americans, 37,776 arrests of immigrants in the country illegally and 20,323 arrests of legal immigrants. Given the relative populations for each group, he wrote, “The arrest rate for illegal immigrants was 40 percent below that of native-born Americans.”

In addition, he wrote, the homicide arrest rate for native-born Americans was “about 46 percent higher than the illegal immigrant homicide arrest rate.”

Other research from the Cato Institute attempted to provide national estimates. A study published on June 4 used data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey for 2016 and applied statistical modeling to estimate the number of incarcerated immigrants in the country illegally. It filtered the data using characteristics correlated with being an immigrant in the country illegally, such as whether someone is a noncitizen but has not served in the military or received Social Security income. The research concluded: “Illegal immigrants are 47 percent less likely to be incarcerated than natives.” (And legal immigrants are even less likely to be in jail or prison.) .............................................................................................. Retire your racist attitude; you're a product of immigrants too!
Reply Wed 10 Apr, 2019 09:54 pm
@cicerone imposter,
How can a judge be anti choice. Abortions were legal before Roe and will be if it is overturned just not everywhere. Before Roe a person could choose to live in a state that valued unborn babies lives if that state legislature enacted statutes protecting unborn children from harm. Roe took that freedom to vote away from people. It is like judicial induced voter suppression.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 11 Apr, 2019 01:06 pm
A judge is a subjective being like everybody else, and they each have their own subjective judgements about issues. "Anti-choice" usually is influenced by a person's religious beliefs, "thou shalt not kill." Look into the story of Desmond Doss, who refused to carry a gun, and was mistreated by everybody including officers until he risked his own life to save others. He won the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Reply Fri 12 Apr, 2019 09:35 am
@cicerone imposter,
A judge is supposed to make sure that's the constitution is interpreted the way the founding fathers wrote it. Some groups of people consider killing an unborn child murder and in their community they should be able to outlaw like the founding fathers did in their local communities. Abortion was illegal in many communities and illegal in many communities before Roe versus Wade. 5 Supreme Court justices took that right to choose away from those local communities they write that the founding fathers had. That doesn't sound pro-choice to me.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 12 Apr, 2019 11:12 am
Outsiders should not have a say in what a woman and her doctor does to any unborn. If they are so concerned, what are they doing to assist all the children in this world without parents, food, shelter, and healthcare? I call that hypocrisy. They only want to impose their own beliefs on women around the world they don't even know or care about. Judges also have subjective ideas about women and their children. They do not always agree on the correct solution. Even Trump's policy to separate children from their parents is wrong-headed and a crime to humanity. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/6/18/17475740/family-separation-poll-polling-border-trump-children-immigrant-families-parents
Reply Sat 13 Apr, 2019 10:25 am
@cicerone imposter,
Outsiders should not have a say in what a woman and her doctor does to any unborn.

First of all Judges, and Legislators are not outsiders they are people in government that have a job to defend the constitution and the basic rights to life that it insures by guiding police protection.

Secondly, what are you basing that decision on? Your opinion? There are a lot of people that think all humans have basic human rights (like the right to live) no matter how old they are or where they are located. You sound like a location and age bigot to me but, that is just my opinion. I am basing it on the fact that you don't think all humans have the same right to life though and, that sure sounds like bigotry.

If they are so concerned, what are they doing to assist all the children in this world without parents, food, shelter, and healthcare? I call that hypocrisy.

Now this sounds like financial bigotry. The poor in the USA eat better than most middle class people do in most countries, and eat like the kings of 400 years ago. Are you going to use access to large quantities of food as a determining factor for life or death?

They only want to impose their own beliefs on women around the world they don't even know or care about.

The supreme court only rules on the US constitution and it is only valid inside the USA and inside its embassies. That is why the USA does not allow the United Nations much control over us because they are an organization that is made up of countries of which a majority do not have constitutions insuring all of the basic human rights that our constitution insures. The protection of a stable constitution is good reason to insure the security of our borders and to limit how many people we allow to immigrate with views contrary to the ones insured by our constitution. For instance there are no Muslim majority nations with a constitution like ours. That is not to say ours is better, it is to say ours is different and I think people should have a choice in what kind of Nation and local community they want to establish and live in.

I don't want to impose beliefs by judicial tyranny, I want local states and communities to vote on local laws like it was before Roe vs Wade. Before Roe abortion was legal in states where a majority of the people agreed with your point of view, and it was illegal where people agreed with the medical journals which state Human life begins at conception. Local communities should be able to decide on their own if they are going to insure human rights according to "science" like I believe or if they are going to use bigotry based on "age, location, or access to food" like you believe. I don't want to outlaw abortion or bigotry in the US. I want people to decide for themselves whether they are going to be a community of bigots or, a science based community through legislation.

Judges also have subjective ideas about women and their children. They do not always agree on the correct solution.
I agree. Roe VS Wade and abortion law should not be decided by subjective judges but should be decided by local legislators because the basic fact that your are asking many elected officials for their opinion rather than a few appointed judges insures a more objective view of the desires of the population. And since the constitution did not address abortion nor when life begins the legislature is the best place.

They do not always agree on the correct solution. Even Trump's policy to separate children from their parents is wrong-headed and a crime to humanity. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/6/18/17475740/family-separation-poll-polling-border-trump-children-immigrant-families-parents

Children are taken away from their parents every day in the USA when the state sees a compelling reason to do so. Citizens of the USA are protected from the government doing that by the constitution. Illegal aliens who do not have documentation like birth certificates and citizenship papers do not have all the protections of the constitution. Without documentation you don't know for sure whose kids they are. The elected official (the president ); who has the authority granted to him by the constitution to decide how these hard cases are going to be handled; is the way it is. We can vote in a president that has different views or amend the constitution to take that authority away form him. I suggest we just vote for a President and leave the constitution alone. What do you think?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 13 Apr, 2019 11:28 am
First of all Judges, and Legislators are not outsiders they are people in government that have a job to defend the constitution and the basic rights to life that it insures by guiding police protection.
. The right to life is a religious opinion, not ethical or common sense. Abortion in the United States by state
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Abortion in the United States is legal, via the landmark case of Roe v. Wade. Specifically, abortion is legal in all US states, and every state has at least one abortion clinic.[1][2] However, individual states can regulate/limit the use of abortion or create "trigger laws", which would make abortion illegal within the first and second trimesters if Roe were overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States. Currently, six states have trigger laws and three other states have laws intending to criminalize abortion.[3] In accordance with the US Supreme Court case of Planned Parenthood v. Casey (2009), states cannot place legal restrictions posing an undue burden for "the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus."[4]
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 13 Apr, 2019 11:33 am
Why should you or anyone else have a say in how to control a total stranger's choice on abortion? What do you care about any infant's life in this world? Do you spend time and money to save those children already living? Are you just another hypocrite? "Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five - 3.1 million children each year. One out of six children -- roughly 100 million -- in developing countries is underweight. One in four of the world's children are stunted. In developing countries the proportion can rise to one in three."
World Hunger Statistics - Food Aid Foundation
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2019 07:34 am
@cicerone imposter,
Why should you or anyone else have a say in how to control a total stranger's choice on abortion? What do you care about any infant's life in this world?

I think all human life deserves the same right to life. The right to life is the most important right. Without a life no other choices can exist. I care first about the infants in my state (Nebraska).

Facts about poverty and hunger in America
Even in the world’s greatest food-producing nation, children and adults face poverty and hunger in every county across America. In 2017:

40 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including more than 12 million children.
A household that is food insecure has limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life.
Households with children were more likely to be food insecure than those without children
58% of food-insecure households participated in at least one of the major federal food assistance program — the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps); the National School Lunch Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (often called WIC)

In Nebraska the only people who are suffering malnutrition should not be because we have enough government assistance, charitable organizations and private citizens to provide basic nutrition to all. If someone isn't getting the help they need there are some unusual circumstances involved where death of another human should not be solution.

I would like it if Nebraskans could choose to take care of thier naighbors unborn if they want to and Californians can choose to let their mothers kill their unborn if they want. But how many American babies are being aborted by people that would not starve them?

Do you spend time and money to save those children already living?
Yes, I have five grown children and 3 grandchildren and I am only in my early fifties. My wife was on WIC with our first pregnancy when I was 20 years old because my farm was wiped out by a hailstorm. (Sure am glad we looked for assistance and didn't kill our first born that day. He is the main electrician at a large hospital with two children of his own now.) Plus I have helped poor neighbors buy and fix vehicles, purchase food, donated to food drives and birthright to help poor mothers, and I work hard so I can do those things.

I wish death wasn't a choice in Nebraska because we can take care of our neighbors.

"Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five - 3.1 million children each year. One out of six children -- roughly 100 million -- in developing countries is underweight. One in four of the world's children are stunted. In developing countries the proportion can rise to one in three."
World Hunger Statistics - Food Aid Foundation

It is the fact that our Nation was established on strong moral principles upheld by a strong constitution that, up until Roe, appeared to be getting even more moral (Outlawed slavery and established women's suffrage with constitutional amendments.) For some reason death became the solution tom problems instead of sacrificing for one's neighbor.

One out of six children -- roughly 100 million -- in developing countries is underweight. One in four of the world's children are stunted. In developing countries the proportion can rise to one in three."
World Hunger Statistics - Food Aid Foundation

The USA is not a developing country, and when it was, abortion was illegal everywhere. And thank God for that because a lot of great and important people would not have had a chance to live.

Why do you want to impose your views on Nebraskans or any other group of people bound by borders and laws that have common values different from your own?

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2019 12:41 pm
I think all human life deserves the same right to life.
. That's a nice ideal, but not realistic. Today's world is full of governments that does not allow many freedoms. History is full of them. How can you or any other government change those conditions? If you can find solutions to those many problems, you should provide them to the proper authorities. Otherwise, your "wishes" are pie in the sky!
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2019 01:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
. That's a nice ideal, but not realistic. Today's world is full of governments that does not allow many freedoms. History is full of them.

Mighty cynical cicerone but, understandable when considering you are from California. California is a prime example of a state that tried to solve all social ills with government sanctioned secular solutions. When those fail they resort to eliminating so-called problems by eliminating the so-called problem by abortions.

How can you or any other government change those conditions? If you can find solutions to those many problems, you should provide them to the proper authorities. Otherwise, your "wishes" are pie in the sky!

Government is not the solution, good people are the solution. Good people view children as an asset to be nurtured by the community, not a problem to be eliminated. Good people learn how to be good responsible people by watching other good people being good people. Government institutions that sanction the elimination of healthy human beings instead of nurturing them teaches people to be selfish, irresponsible and bigoted.

In Nebraska our society has developed in a different direction using different solutions than California's by limiting government intervention and developing a sense of personal responsibility instead. I don't appreciate the federal government through unnecessary and illogical supreme court decisions (Roe) stepping in and attempting to destroy through the sanctioning of irresponsible behavior by eliminating human lives instead nurturing them.

We did not have a problem in Nebraska in 1973 that needed to be solved by Roe v Wade when it came to feeding people and developing a good and productive society. This culture of death being forced upon us by the federal supreme court is doing more harm than good. Please keep your California values in California and let the rest of the USA and the world decide how they are going to solve their own social ills.

We do not have Nebraskans running off to California to find a place that is more nurturing to a moral and safe family life. In fact the opposite is happening. Please don't try and turn us into California or people won't have a choice anymore.

You do believe in freedom of choice don't you?

Otherwise, your "wishes" are pie in the sky!

We didn't have a problem for abortion to solve in Nebraska. We already have the pie. Please don't take it away. Why do you want to force Nebraska to be a worse place to live? What do you have against us?

Why do you want to impose your views on Nebraskans or any other group of people bound by borders and laws that have common values different from your own?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2019 08:35 pm
Mighty cynical cicerone but, understandable when considering you are from California. California is a prime example of a state that tried to solve all social ills with government sanctioned secular solutions. When those fail they resort to eliminating so-called problems by eliminating the so-called problem by abortions.
. You really are pretty ignorant, aren't you! CA, if a country, would be the 5th richest in this world. http://fortune.com/2018/05/05/california-fifth-biggest-economy-passes-united-kingdom/
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2019 08:38 pm
@cicerone imposter,
https://www.sfgate.com/education/article/Stanford-Cal-Tech-qs-best-universities-world-13044727.php Two Calif. universities ranked among top 5 in world. Are you from one of these states? After analyzing all 50 U.S. states, we came up with this list as the 10 worst states in our nation for 2019:

Worst States In The US For 2019

New Mexico (Photos)
Arkansas (Photos)
Mississippi (Photos)
Louisiana (Photos)
Alabama (Photos)
Oklahoma (Photos)
South Carolina (Photos)
Tennessee (Photos)
Arizona (Photos)
Nevada (Photos) In addition to all the benefits of living in California, our city, Sunnyvale, is rated the "safest city" in America. The Safest Cities in America in 2018 - finance.yahoo.com
1. Sunnyvale, CA. Once again, the data shows that Sunnyvale, California is the safest city in America. It is rare to see violent crime or property crime here. In each of those metrics, this city ... It's not only safe, but our climate is moderate, and we are within driving distance to the Pacific Ocean, San Francisco, and the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
The high tech industry started here, and the Apple campus is just one mile from where we live. Apple has also built a large campus in our city. http://www.centralandwolfe.com/#1

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