So you have no choice but to engage in this debate? And if you suddenly decide not to engage in this debate, that too wasn't a choice?
If you suddenly decide that for no other reason that you know you'd enjoy dreaming up a 'mystical creature' that you really don't have any choice in that either?
And scientists who make up new words, really don't have any choice in the word they choose for a new discovery.
And artists really don't have any choice in the painting they paint.
Singers really don't have any choice in the notes they compose.
I don't disagree that we run an awful lot of our lives on automatic programs...but that's why this 'free will' debate reminds me so much of the consciousness debate.
The issue I guess is that you see hormones, and genetic/trained conditioning as being in 100% control of our lives. You don't believe that they are just an influencing factor, but rather believe that they are the ONLY factor, and consciousness plays no part.