So you are assuming that people/companies are lying concerning accidents causes and that assumption by you with no back up in any manner mean that we need anti-textings laws/rules.
That is insane on it very face and if you cannot see that sadly not being a mental help expert I cannot aid you.
Second note Miami-Dade school system is cover by the Florida public records laws and government in the sunshine laws and therefore it would be damn hard for them to lie in such matters as you do not need a court order to be able to demand access to their records/files. From a reporter to myself any citizen had a right to demand seeing all but a very small sub-set of their records and also had them provide copies for a small copying fee.
As for your links on private bus companies Miami-Dade still run it own school bus system with the bus drivers being direct employees and see my links to that effect!
If the system also will used private companies for some part of it transportation needs that in no way change the rule aims at their own employees and their own bus system.
As I already stated you keep claiming to be a transportation expert and every time I check your claims those claims had no connection to the real world.
School bus manufacturers for example would not place radios into their buses as standard equipment if a large percent of their customers did not desire them and was planning on ripping them out.
This is logic 101 even if logic and you are not on talking terms.
All and all I had come to the conclusion you are not all there.
It been nice talking to you however<NOT>.