I have tried both the nice route and the emphatic route:
1) When I explain it nicely she tells me "I'll do my best"
2) When I tell her emphatically she gets defense and angry
The two things I have not tried are:
1) bribes
2) the big-sit-down-intervention
As to bribes,that's not easy because she does not like massages and I already do my share of the housework. She is receptive to cut flowers but I'm not sure they would have the desired effect of abating the stink-a-thons as she might well construe flowers as a symbol of peace, harmony and apology.
As to the big-sit-down-intervention it's really hard to get her to agree to a definitive time and date, and when I finally do it's sometimes tough to get her to stay on topic, and not get defensive and accusatory. So if I want to go the big-sit-down-intervention route, I'm in for a least a few weeks of mind numbing requests for a definitive time, all the while having to field rebukes in the form of phrases such as:
"quit nagging me"
"if you love me you would not keep pestering me"
"I don't want to talk about it because all you'll do is criticize me"
"if we get together I will bring up lots of things that I don't like about you"
"I don't have the time right as I'm too busy"
"I'm too tired to talk about"
I did suggest she use an electric mini-stove and fry all that stinky crap outside, but she gave that ****-this-****-look. However I could just go and buy a mini-stove and table and set them outside to see what she does.