"Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the GOP"

Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 08:02 am
That's a good article for you?

Looks more like a bunch of BS to me. I guess bias is in the eye of the beholder.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 08:51 am
Brandon9000 wrote:

And in all of this, not one single specific example of Fox distorting a news story. I'm sure there are some, but I'm sure that there are also examples of news stations that lean to the left distorting news stories. Fox leans to the right, as opposed to other news stations that lean to the left. Presidents have received distorted coverage from news stations or newspapers sympathetic to the other party since the Washington administration in the 18th century. The Obama administration is breaking with longstanding American tradition by trying to silence, or at least intimidate, the opposition news.

Let me ask you this:

Instead of me going and searching for distorted news stories on Fox - something which we both know I would find - why don't you find us a SINGLE positive story about the president from Fox News. An approving story or one that congratulates his accomplishments. Not the Dems in Congress, but the President himself.

Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 08:59 am
What part wasn't true?
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:42 pm
revel wrote:

Obama is not breaking any such thing, bush complained about the New York Times and refused to give any interviews whats so ever and I don't remember the NYT going on a crying jag over it.

And fox news does distort the news on a daily basis.

I'll give you a specific example.

And you know it's funny Dana, I didn't do a thorough search, but I did do a little Google thing. The New York Times came out against it, The Nation refers to, says there's a word for what the President and his aids are doing and that's "whining" and refers to the President as the "Whiner-in-Chief", the Baltimore Sun thinks it's stupid, and the Newsweek column said that it is essentually un-American.

Newsweek called Obama un-American? Not only is that complete bullshit, it's backwards. The Newsweek article Doocy cites says that Rupert Murdoch is un-American for bringing the Australian-British-continental model of politicized media to the United States via Fox News. That's right, Newsweek is calling the very existence of Fox News un-American, not the White House for criticizing it.

The article is even called "The O’Garbage Factor. Fox News isn't just bad. It's un-American." How can you possibly **** up the meaning of that article? I guess when Doocy told Perino "I didn't do a thorough search", he wasn't kidding.

The Newsweek article in question can be found here, and below is the relevant excerpt:

What's most distinctive about the American press is not its freedom but its century-old tradition of independence"that it serves the public interest rather than those of parties, persuasions, or pressure groups. Media independence is a 20th-century innovation that has never fully taken root in many other countries that do have a free press. The Australian-British-continental model of politicized media that Murdoch has applied at Fox is un-American, so much so that he has little choice but go on denying what he's doing as he does it. For Murdoch, Ailes, and company, "fair and balanced" is a necessary lie. To admit that their coverage is slanted by design would violate the American understanding of the media's role in democracy and our idea of what constitutes fair play. But it's a demonstrable deceit that no longer deserves equal time.


So, your example of Fox distorting news is that they interview someone from the Bush administration to make an unfair comparison with the Obama administration? That's a pretty weak example of distortion. Come up with something where they distort matters of fact, please. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I don't think it happens more than left-leaning news media tailor things to their viewpoint.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:45 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:

And in all of this, not one single specific example of Fox distorting a news story. I'm sure there are some, but I'm sure that there are also examples of news stations that lean to the left distorting news stories. Fox leans to the right, as opposed to other news stations that lean to the left. Presidents have received distorted coverage from news stations or newspapers sympathetic to the other party since the Washington administration in the 18th century. The Obama administration is breaking with longstanding American tradition by trying to silence, or at least intimidate, the opposition news.

Let me ask you this:

Instead of me going and searching for distorted news stories on Fox - something which we both know I would find - why don't you find us a SINGLE positive story about the president from Fox News. An approving story or one that congratulates his accomplishments. Not the Dems in Congress, but the President himself.


I can and will and I will quote it here, if such exists. Even if it doesn't exist, though, my argument would be that Fox's right leaning tactics aren't any worse than the left-leaning tactics of the liberal news sources. Wasn't there a case during the presidential campaign where the New York Times printed, un-edited, an editorial from Obama, and then refused to print a rebuttal from McCain unless he modified it according to their suggestions? The only difference is that Fox leans to the right instead of the left.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:50 pm
There's more ways to distort the news than to lie about facts.

Selective reporting, for example.

Fox excoriated other news services for not covering the teabag protest in Washington; they accused them of ignoring a significant protest. Fox news reporters and producers went out and actively entreated people to start cheering and yelling. They were making the news, not just reporting it.

Then when there's a gay rights rally with the same number of people, they ignore it.

That's how you distort the news, without distorting a particular news story.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 02:57 pm
DrewDad wrote:

There's more ways to distort the news than to lie about facts.

Selective reporting, for example.

Fox excoriated other news services for not covering the teabag protest in Washington; they accused them of ignoring a significant protest. Fox news reporters and producers went out and actively entreated people to start cheering and yelling. They were making the news, not just reporting it.

Then when there's a gay rights rally with the same number of people, they ignore it.

That's how you distort the news, without distorting a particular news story.

I couldn't agree more, except that I would like to see evidence that they actually manufactured news. My point, though, is that the media on the left do it just as much.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:00 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:

Come up with something where they distort matters of fact, please. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I don't think it happens more than left-leaning news media tailor things to their viewpoint.

Some of the most blatant distortions: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/20/the-ten-most-egregious-fo_n_327140.html
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:03 pm
DrewDad wrote:

There's more ways to distort the news than to lie about facts.

Selective reporting, for example.

You don't need to go there. There are plenty of examples out outright distortions. My all time favorites though are the simple ones. Fox has this trick where when a Republican politician is caught in a scandal, they list him with a (D) by his name. I've seen this at least three times and when asked they always say "Oh, sorry. Human error." As if anyone ever thought Gov. Sanford was a Democrat.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:06 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
I would like to see evidence that they actually manufactured news.

Jon Stewart hits Fox for ignoring gay rights march after aggressively promoting 9/12 March.

During the tea party protests and the more recent 9/12 march, Fox News argued that it was justified in covering them incessantly because the network doesn’t “pick and choose these rallies and protests” " it covers them all. At the same time, it slammed other networks for not giving enough coverage to the right-wing rallies. But as Jon Stewart noted on The Daily Show last night, Fox ignored the weekend’s National Equality March, whose turnout was comparable to the 9/12 March. “You didn’t even send your own camera crew?” exclaimed Stewart. “You have a Washington bureau! Tell them to go to the window and point the camera down!” Watch it:

Stewart also pointed out that Fox was more than happy to get out the tv cameras and an on-air reporter to cover an empty sidewalk where there had apparently been a protest about students singing a pro-Obama song.

Here's a link to Stewart's bit on the Daily Show: Queer and Loathing in D.C.
Fox News ignores the gay rights march in D.C., but finds an empty New Jersey sidewalk worthy of live coverage.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:09 pm
revel wrote:

What part wasn't true?

This part:
You know, I just don’t get the controversy over the Obama administration’s criticism of Fox News. For one thing, it’s entirely accurate: Fox does not approach its job the same way other organizations do. Most legitimate news organizations honestly attempt to purge their presentations of bias. I’d be the first to concede that all journalistic institutions sometimes fall short of that goal, but the point is, as professionals they try.

Fox doesn’t even make the effort, or even the pretense of an effort. At best, they make the pretense of a pretense of an effort. Bias is what they’re selling " they know it, and their audience knows it. So what’s the big deal about the White House saying out loud what everyone already knows?

Beyond that, though, I’m surprised to see the Washington media play this as some kind of new threat to the purity of media-political relations. It’s not. The Bush administration used to complain publicly and often about coverage from MSNBC and NBC. The Clintons were outraged at how the New York Times covered the Whitewater investigation, and they probably were right to be angry. In a speech back in the ’90s, Newt Gingrich fought back against critical coverage by telling Atlanta business leaders that they ought to institute an ad boycott against the AJC.

Most of the time, the publishers and news executives who field those kinds of angry threats from politicians don’t even bother telling their reporters about them, because the reporters don’t need to know. But sometimes the message is communicated directly. I once had a very influential Democratic state legislator " back when Democrats ran the Capitol " suggest to me privately that if the AJC edit board would back off an ethics reform crusade, legislators might look more favorably on funding a downtown multimodal station. (Note that no such station exists.) And Maynard Jackson, exasperated at criticism over his muni bond business, once informed a group of AJC editors that “I don’t work on Jay Bookman’s plantation.” That was a personal favorite.

The point is, it’s a rough-and-tumble relationship between the media and those we cover, and it always will be and ought to be. Politicians who feel under attack will return fire, and personally I think they have that right. What Harry Truman said is true of the media as well as politicians: If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 07:20 pm
30 Reasons Why Fox News is not Legit

Lots of examples in here.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 06:59 am
The White House seems to have temporarily put Fox in a different place. I saw where FOX did not cover a big right wing event and now an anchorapologized for lack of balance in a story. It seems like some at FOX are doing some navel gazing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 11:38 am
You know McGentrix you are real good at doing one liners but you never do answer or give any kind of information.

Give specifics in the article which is not true and in what way and proof that it ain't true, or else admit that you are all fluff and no substance. Even if my substance is not terrible elegant or sometimes even wrong, at least I attempt to put something concrete out there which can be picked up and talked about instead of constant lone zingers. I guess it is too much of a risk to attempt to put facts out there which can be debated.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 11:51 am
You know, I just don’t get the controversy over the Obama administration’s criticism of Fox News. For one thing, it’s entirely accurate: Fox does not approach its job the same way other organizations do.

It's not entirely accurate. It's bitterness from the administration that someone dared to challenge them. After a year you would think people would have caught on that the Obama administration does not like to be challenged. Also, it's not Fox News job to approach it's job the same way other organizations do. Perhaps that is why Fox News has higher ratings? Because they don't do the same fawning over the administration.

Most legitimate news organizations honestly attempt to purge their presentations of bias. I’d be the first to concede that all journalistic institutions sometimes fall short of that goal, but the point is, as professionals they try.

Biggest line of bullshit in the article. Was CNN trying to purge their presentation of bias when they "fact checked" an SNL skit about Obama? I mean can you honestly say that you believe this line of thought? No examples of what the author believes to be a "legitimate news organization" followed by a weak out.

Fox doesn’t even make the effort, or even the pretense of an effort. At best, they make the pretense of a pretense of an effort. Bias is what they’re selling " they know it, and their audience knows it.

More bullshit. Obviously doesn't watch Fox News or apparently know much about the network at all. The problem is that the author watches so much of the other "legitimate news organizations" that he fails to recognize that there are 2 sides to a story. Perhaps he only likes getting the liberal perspective. Reminds me of ebrown p and Cycloptichorn. There is one side to every story, theirs. Showing a different perspective and reporting that not everything is hunky-dory in hopey mcchange land is not bias. It's news.

So what’s the big deal about the White House saying out loud what everyone already knows?

Because it's not the job of the White House to do that. It's petty, it's meaningless and it just makes them look weak.

Beyond that, though, I’m surprised to see the Washington media play this as some kind of new threat to the purity of media-political relations. It’s not. The Bush administration used to complain publicly and often about coverage from MSNBC and NBC. The Clintons were outraged at how the New York Times covered the Whitewater investigation, and they probably were right to be angry. In a speech back in the ’90s, Newt Gingrich fought back against critical coverage by telling Atlanta business leaders that they ought to institute an ad boycott against the AJC.

Most of the time, the publishers and news executives who field those kinds of angry threats from politicians don’t even bother telling their reporters about them, because the reporters don’t need to know. But sometimes the message is communicated directly. I once had a very influential Democratic state legislator " back when Democrats ran the Capitol " suggest to me privately that if the AJC edit board would back off an ethics reform crusade, legislators might look more favorably on funding a downtown multimodal station. (Note that no such station exists.) And Maynard Jackson, exasperated at criticism over his muni bond business, once informed a group of AJC editors that “I don’t work on Jay Bookman’s plantation.” That was a personal favorite.

The point is, it’s a rough-and-tumble relationship between the media and those we cover, and it always will be and ought to be. Politicians who feel under attack will return fire, and personally I think they have that right. What Harry Truman said is true of the media as well as politicians: If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Fox News is not going anywhere, they have the highest ratings of all the news channels and if Obama and his staff want to cut them out, that is their perogative. It's just a poor move and to claim some kind of moral high ground while acting like a child is beyond stupid.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 12:09 pm

It's not entirely accurate. It's bitterness from the administration that someone dared to challenge them. After a year you would think people would have caught on that the Obama administration does not like to be challenged. Also, it's not Fox News job to approach it's job the same way other organizations do. Perhaps that is why Fox News has higher ratings? Because they don't do the same fawning over the administration.

There is a difference in challenging the administration and putting an all out war against the administration. From way back when it was pretty clear Obama was going to win the primary they have been bringing negative story after negative story. They have distorted and slanted every single issue concerning Obama rather than just reporting it. Fox news is entertaining all day and all night which is why it has big ratings. Their ratings were big before Obama was president.

Biggest line of bullshit in the article. Was CNN trying to purge their presentation of bias when they "fact checked" an SNL skit about Obama? I mean can you honestly say that you believe this line of thought? No examples of what the author believes to be a "legitimate news organization" followed by a weak out.

The author said sometimes other news organizations fall short. shrugs

More bullshit. Obviously doesn't watch Fox News or apparently know much about the network at all. The problem is that the author watches so much of the other "legitimate news organizations" that he fails to recognize that there are 2 sides to a story. Perhaps he only likes getting the liberal perspective. Reminds me of ebrown p and Cycloptichorn. There is one side to every story, theirs. Showing a different perspective and reporting that not everything is hunky-dory in hopey mcchange land is not bias. It's news.

Come on, I have seen Fox News so called two sides, they get some weak person on there to cover the other side, and then spend the whole time interrupting and cutting them short.

Because it's not the job of the White House to do that. It's petty, it's meaningless and it just makes them look weak

No it's not, just calling like it is and what everyone knows including those viewers of fox news for years.

Fox News is not going anywhere, they have the highest ratings of all the news channels and if Obama and his staff want to cut them out, that is their perogative. It's just a poor move and to claim some kind of moral high ground while acting like a child is beyond stupid.

I doubt they are going anywhere either, mores the pity. I don't think Obama has claimed any kind of moral high ground, in fact I think he likes getting down into these things and in this case, he is right and most people know it.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 12:16 pm

More bullshit. Obviously doesn't watch Fox News or apparently know much about the network at all. The problem is that the author watches so much of the other "legitimate news organizations" that he fails to recognize that there are 2 sides to a story. Perhaps he only likes getting the liberal perspective. Reminds me of ebrown p and Cycloptichorn. There is one side to every story, theirs. Showing a different perspective and reporting that not everything is hunky-dory in hopey mcchange land is not bias. It's news.

You don't know what the **** you speak of, McG. I've probably watched more Fox News than you have; I bet that I've watched as much of it as anyone on this board. I don't need to watch any of the other stations, as I get my info from the internet, not cable news; but I like to see the propaganda that Roger Ailes is pushing on a daily basis.

It isn't about '2 sides' to a story, it's about making up lies and pushing the Republican party position. Every time. Fox pushes the 'fair and balanced' line, but they sure don't act that way in the slightest.

I will note that not a single one of you righttards has risen to my challenge: find a positive story about Obama or his accomplishments on Fox News and present it. I can find negative stories about Obama on the other networks, the ones you claim 'don't challenge' the admin's line, in about a cold second. Fox, on the other hand, never deviates from the Republican line. Never.


Fox News is not going anywhere, they have the highest ratings of all the news channels and if Obama and his staff want to cut them out, that is their perogative. It's just a poor move and to claim some kind of moral high ground while acting like a child is beyond stupid.

They have the highest ratings, because they tell people like you what they want to hear. It's the only place you can go to find what you want to hear, because reality so frequently runs counter to what you think it should be, especially in the political realm.

I don't even know why we bother; Nobody expects you to be intellectually honest about this, really. It would be so out-of-character.

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 12:23 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I've probably watched more Fox News than you have; I bet that I've watched as much of it as anyone on this board.


I am quite sure that you do. It's people like you that keep their ratings up. I probably watch, at most, 15 minutes of fox news per month as I flip through the channels. I don't watch news TV. Like you, I use the internet and radio for my news. As I don't get good AM reception it's NPR (speaking of non-biased "legitimate news organizations"... Rolling Eyes ) on the radio.

Google is useless at finding positive news stories on Fox News as you find is liberal dogma about Obama's feud with Fox News. How about a positive news story about Bush from MSNBC? Can you find one of those?
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 12:32 pm
McGentrix wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

I've probably watched more Fox News than you have; I bet that I've watched as much of it as anyone on this board.


I am quite sure that you do. It's people like you that keep their ratings up. I probably watch, at most, 15 minutes of fox news per month as I flip through the channels. I don't watch news TV. Like you, I use the internet and radio for my news. As I don't get good AM reception it's NPR (speaking of non-biased "legitimate news organizations"... Rolling Eyes ) on the radio.

In that case, I'm going to stick with my earlier conclusion that: You don't know what the **** you are talking about. You don't have the necessary experience to say whether or not Fox News operates in the fashion that people claim it does. You are simply jerking your knee because the communications arm of your party is being attacked.

Google is useless at finding positive news stories on Fox News as you find is liberal dogma about Obama's feud with Fox News. How about a positive news story about Bush from MSNBC? Can you find one of those?

Don't turn the tables around, just admit that Fox doesn't run positive stories about Obama. You will note that I made no claims at all regarding MSNBC or their impartiality, the way that you and others have about Fox.

I don't expect you to do this, because once again, you are not being intellectually honest on this issue. Your admission that you have practically no real-world experience with the topic, while simultaneously feeling justified in telling people that THEY don't know what they are talking about, is proof enough of that.

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 12:35 pm
Is Pew research a valid polling firm in the liberal arena? Just curious before I put too much effort into this.

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