@The Pentacle Queen,
I've played with meditation on and off for many years. Mostly, as in most recently, I was looking for ways to enable ongoing self initiated 'self development' (would be todays catchphrase) - ie. growth, in the direction of my choice.
That lead to interest in the subconscious mind, and then seeking a way to train my subconscious mind.
Which lead to looking at many things, including : Meditation, Self Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Creative Visualisation, and a bit into lucid dreaming and other stuff.
What I found is this - they all attack what I was looking for from a different angle.
Meditation in and of itself almost always involves breathing exercises (whether you know it or not), and a degree of self hypnosis (the main difference between the two is, Self Hypnosis is done for a specific purpose, while technically, meditation is done for 'no purpose').
Self Hypnosis, done the western way, involves overloading a persons conscious brain until the subconscious has to 'take over', while meditation involves unloading the concscious brain until the sub conscious is left.
If you are familiar with the Bell Curve (a mathematical curve used in statistics - google it to see the shape)...it explains why 5% are very wealthy, 5% are very poor, and the majority are in between....as well as many other statistical distributions...and when you relate it to this field, you'll understand that some people are more naturally adept at certain things, while some people have almost no feel for it (this concept is used by stage hypnotists, who gather multiple people on stage to see who is particularly susceptable to hypnosis). This is why some people have great success with Hypnotherapy while others don't (I'm using hypnosis and hypnotherapy as an example because people know something about it - and it & the bell curve also helps show that meditation works naturally better for some than for others).
At best during meditation I thought I could detect connections to everything else on earth. At worst I couldn't concentrate until I performed breathing exercises (just focusing on what my breathing was doing)...eventually I learnt to do an amalgamation of all of them, and perform mind tricks (though only moderately successfully).
Eventually I thought to ask 'is there a location in my brain I can access that allows me to train my subconscious without going to the meditation/self hypnosis exercises...and was surprised that the answer was 'yes'....and it works. But that part I doubt I can explain to you...you'll need to be interested enough to look for yourself I think. <edit> just realised, that location by the way, is pretty much exactly where Eastern Mysticism draws the 'third eye'...but I've never actually even looked into what that is...I'll google it sometime :>
As a note that interested me - after doing this, you can see focus in peoples eyes (well you always could, but you become more aware of exactly what it is you are seeing), and you can see in sports stars eyes how good they are going to play, and understand what's going on when they endure a losing streak to the self doubt that encroaches....the ebb and flow of self belief is fascinating to watch.
...it also lead me to understand that we make our lives...and in putting that into motion, found that the most conscious 'creating' involves the greatest awareness, and being 'in the moment', and...gives you a new perspective of relationships...and great people...and...many, many things. I'm not saying I'm good at that yet, or maybe won't ever be. I don't know...but I found some things I treasure.
Personally, if you are looking into meditation, there is something you want. Find out what that is, and seek it out - and don't close your mind to the multiple ways there are to achieve it, because the best way for you may just be an amalgamation of all of them.
Hope it helps.