@The Pentacle Queen,
I do think meditation will help with it - the degree it helps is the question (it could be a little, or a lot). Certainly it will help you find out more about who you are.
The degree is only in question because of 1. the Bell Curve; and 2. how much dedication you can put into it. Presuming you are only able to give a limited time to meditation (whether through lack of time, restlessness, or other), the bell curve is a Statisical curve that is found to hold true for human abilities - it reflects the percentage of people with a natural talent (or lack of talent) for something. If you have a natural talent for you, it may work very well. The Bell curve, as an example in areas affecting the subconcious - explains why some people can be hypnotised on stage, while others can't...it's why hypnotists usually have an group of people that they try and hypnotise (search Bell Curve for more info).
My experience with meditation is that it can be used for anything from physical relaxation (you focus on your muscles, tighten, then relax them one at a time), to mental relaxation, to introspection, to retraining the subconscious mind, to taking a mental journey (which may be the part that interests you most).
As a note on the above list - I include my experiments with my subconscious mind to be meditation, because the method of playing with your subconscious has many similarities meditation - it's mostly the goals that differ.
If you try meditation to influence the sub-concious, just realise the the subconscious does not use words to 'think' - it uses images, feelings, instinct, memory as primary sources, so you must use those things when dealing with it. Also, the subconscious cannot fully differentiate between real & imagined (scientifically proven), and it makes connections through association - so you can use this (from a meditative state) to retrain your brain.
In terms of taking a subconscious journey - it is quite a creative experience (it is a journey that allows your subconscious to interact with you).
Other things that you can do with the subconscious is have it (your subconscious) explain peculiar dreams (of your own) to you. That experience was quite interesting.
Also possible is 'lucid dreaming' - that is, being aware that you are dreaming, and influencing / directing your own dream. For some reason, although I can do this, I don't have any particular interest in doing so. I'm fairly sure a person can achieve all sort of interesting affects (in their waking life) by utilising their dreams, but I think I like my dreams just to be dreams. A friend of mine, who first pointed out it was possible, said he liked to fly around, levitate things, and other stuff...ie. It can obviously be used creatively.
That is to say - consider meditation in it's traditional uses, and also consider using your subconscious to enhance your creativeness, and skills set...doing either (meditation or subconscious utilisation) will increase your own awareness of who you are.