@The Pentacle Queen,
If I may quote a passage from a book entitled The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiesan..
"In zen, one seeks to empty out the mind, to return it to the clear, pure stillness of a seashell or a flower petal. when body and mind are one, then the whole being, scoured clean of intellect, emotions, and the senses, may be laid open to the experience that individual existense, ego, the "reality" of matter and phenomena are no more than fleeting and illusory arrangements of molecules. the weary self of masks and screens, defenses, preconceptions, and opinions that, propped up by ideas and words, imagines itself to be some sort of entity (in a society of like entities) may suddenly fall away, dissolve into formless flux where concepts such as death and life, time and space, past and future, have no meaning. There is only a pearly radiance of emptiness, the uncreated, without beginning, therefore without end."
This, I suppose, is the state one wishes to enter when delving into meditation.