I didn't see the beginning but I really don't think it was her. I only saw once the unburying was in process, and it was both of them then. Esse was the one who was saying "I just wanted to see the snail!!" when I was first trying to figure out what was going on, Kay wasn't saying much.
If I had to guess, I think it was probably something like:
- They were playing catch in the driveway (I saw this part)
- The thing they were throwing landed near the snail gravemarker
- Esse was the one to retrieve the thing and espy the snail gravemarker
- Esse started talking about it and digging
- Kay was nearby and joined in
- sozlet was further away and didn't know what was up long enough for them to get into the task
- she started trying to stop them
- quick escalation
- I came out (the rest I know)
Then for the rest, I think Kay a) HATES the drama and b) HATES being in trouble, and just wanted to get out of the situation. I think that on some level she thought she was being helpful (enough drama, let's go play).