Ugh, it's complicated.
Some of you may have seen my post on "Random Observations" about sozlet, her good friend Kay, and a third friend, S ("Esse" seems more name-ish). Esse wrangled a playdate for the three of them on Wednesday, which is usually sozlet and Kay's standing playdate.
We frequently do ad-hoc playdates too, and since sozlet and Kay didn't get their chance for their usual one-on-one playdate Wednesday, I told sozlet she could invite Kay over today.
Long story slightly shorter, Esse got involved again. I had to say outright that I wouldn't allow her to come over, or let her come over. I went with the latter, which was a mistake.
The girls were outside playing and I saw sozlet grabbing the other two girls' arms as they were digging -- it turned out they were digging up my lily of the valley but I couldn't see that at the time. I watched to see whether it was playful or not, sozlet seemed stressed and was getting more upset as I watched. She eventually clearly was screaming at them to stop, and they weren't. I knocked on the window... the girls looked at me and stopped what they were doing. I went outside. The other two girls ran away.
ran away. That pissed me off.
Figured out some of what was going on from sozlet. Lily of the valley (+ bulbs) all over the driveway.
I waited for them to come back. They didn't.
I finally saw a head poking out pretty far away. Went after them, got them back, had a discussion about wtf was going on.
They wanted to dig up sozlet's pet snail. She's a very animal/ nurturing-oriented kid who has an allergic/ non-animal-liking father and the snail was her first pet and one of only two (the other was a fish) she's really managed so far. She had the snail for a year and made a gravemarker for it and buried it. They saw the gravemarker and were trying to dig it up. She was trying to stop 'em. Etc.
This was all complicated with back and forths and excuses, eventually I said that I was really not happy that they ran away when they came out and I'd be mentioning it to their parents.
Back story to this is that when Esse is over with a group, stuff always happens (by herself, its usually OK). The last time she was over she was playing "cops and robbers" and grabbed really special stuff off our mantel and dinged it up a bit when it was all jostling around in a paper bag. Just, head-smacking "what were you thinking?" stuff. I felt like I had to put my foot down.
OK, anyway... so that was wrapping up, there were mutual apologies in process, then Kay whispers in sozlet's ear and runs away (different direction) with Esse. Sozlet stands there with her mouth open. I ask what happened. Kay had said "this is a waste of time, I want to go play."
Sozlet's upset, I'm pissed. I decide this playdate's over and I'm taking everyone home. I go out to talk to them. The girls say they're sorry and they want to stay. Sozlet decides she wants them to stay too. They seem sincere/ apologetic. I decide to let them stay but reiterate that I'll be talking to their parents. I go inside, text a heads-up to Kay's mom.
Sozlet comes in, crying. Esse is having a meltdown because if I tell her mom, her mom will spank her and never let her come to our house again (as per Esse). Sozlet's upset on her behalf and also had evidently, outside, gone over the line by trying to explain how upset the snail thing made her by trying first "what if I dug up your pet gerbil?" no reaction, "dog," no reaction, "grandpa" oh god. Both Esse and Kay have recently lost grandparents. This cause fresh gushes of sobbing. Sozlet apologized up the wazoo. Etc. (Very stupid thing for her to say, she's far from blameless here.) Everyone's super upset
Kay's mom texts back, should she come get Kay? I decide yes.
I rub backs and get Kleenex as everyone weeps and talks to me. (Hard to lipread through sobs.) Kay's mom shows up and helps out. Says that the running away thing was just not OK, etc. We tag-team and by the end the girls have hugged and hopefully it's all resolved.
Kay goes home with her mom, Esse stays a bit and then I take her home and tell her mom, emphasizing that sozlet messed up too, etc.
Ugh ugh ugh.