Hey eoe,
Sure, lay it on me. I'll be busy today so may not respond right away but I'm feeling less frazzled.
Thanks so much for your feedback everyone, it helps.
I'd just had a discussion on Thursday with a friend of mine about whether Esse was purposely coming between sozlet and Kay (who have been best friends for four years), and that's one of the things I worry about in this situation.
On the other hand, yes, the snail-digging was mean and Kay was right in the middle of most of this. If she's going to be like that, maybe for the best that she and sozlet take a step back. (Sigh.)
Sozlet's take is that Kay is "too susceptible to peer pressure." She's a sweetheart when it's just her, but if there's a strong-willed kid in the vicinity she'll kinda go with that.
So, I'm interested in how things will shake out on Monday. They have a great teacher who I trust to handle things that come up at school, if anything comes up. I may send a heads-up to the teacher (just thought of that).
I think I'm going to avoid threes from now on. Esse can come over on her own, Kay can come over on her own, and I'd be willing to watch a group with those two plus one more (but not four kids on an unstructured playdate in the house, that's gone pear-shaped before too).
Robert, yes, one of the hardest things for me to deal with in general is when I ask/ tell a kid to do something and they just plain won't do it. Grrr.