not to this extent. You are a very smart guy Robert, probably smarter than me , but I am considerably older than you and have viewed this kind of thing first hand many times.
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Ive lived a long time too. Long enough to realize that the publics memory is about as long as a worms. The repubs will fight the health bill in congress and blame it on the democrats, some of whom are more republican than democrat, and the public will believe its the dems fault because if you repeat something often enough the public believes its true because they are mostly too stupid to check for themselves. Its how bush was elected twice. Im beginning to think that before a citizen is allowed to vote they should have to pass an intellagence test but I think it would eleminate about 50% of the possible voteing public.
We had one candidate who did the sane thing and joined the national guard so all he would need to worry about was getting a paper cut during the Vietnamese War and one fool who serve in combat and as a result was wounded a numbers of time.
Somehow the national guard campaign gentleman got away with attacking the idiot who did place his body in harm way over if he did or did not deserve his medals!
How in the hell can the American people be so stupid?
It will be the Dems fault, won't it? What power do the republicans have?
My fellow conservatives will accuse me of failing to follow my own advice, but this whole thread seems to reinforce the old quote from Napoleon "when your enemy is intent on destroying himself...don't interfere"
slkshock7 wrote:
My fellow conservatives will accuse me of failing to follow my own advice, but this whole thread seems to reinforce the old quote from Napoleon "when your enemy is intent on destroying himself...don't interfere"
You get a "thumb up" from me on that.
The power of Senate filibuster.
George is either stupid or a BS artist (probably a combination of othe two).
The Reps controlled all three branches of the government for six years. But he still denies that the Reps had total control during those years.
The special prosecutor's principal job was going after Clinton on Whitewater. There was absolutely no wrongdoing by the Clintons relative to Whitewater, and George, I think, knows this.
With a couple of exceptions, the Reps have marched in lockstep to oppose Obama's initiatives, especially health reform, making it clear that their filibuster would kill a government health alternative. Moreover, the Reps have duped a lot of the public with their lies relative to, for instance, death panels, coverage of illegals, coverage for abortion, etc. George has no problems with such lies.
George is a moron wedded to the big lie.
Yeah, that's the scare.
Let's put the republicans to the test though; let's, for once, ACTUALLY make the filibuster.
You only need 50% + 1 to pass something in our congress.
The democrats HAVE that, THEY are to blame if nothing gets accomplished.
I think the Democrats should force it thru so the Republicans do filibuster it. However, there might be other features in the healthcare bill that are passable that may need immediate passage so it is dicey.