Welcome To United States Of Theocracy Part One

Green Witch
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 12:33 pm
I think we need to debate this in 4 years. It's like trying to determine if you've made a successful souffle before you bake it in the oven.

Personally, I've been happy with the general direction Obama has taken on the economy and world affairs. He certainly has returned intelligence and dignity to the office of the president. Healthcare? - I'm waiting to see if he wimps out to the Republicans and their lobbyist buddies. I think what I am most grateful for is that Sarah Palin is making an ass of herself at Asian business conferences and has no ability to effect anything of importance in this country.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 01:05 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,
I think you've been watching too much Fox News and listening to too much okie/ican bullshit on A2K. Your perception has been skewed, and you aren't thinking clearly.

I agree with Green Witch.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 01:34 pm
@ebrown p,
I'm sorry for your memory then.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 01:35 pm
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:

I think we need to debate this in 4 years.

We will.

But that shouldn't stop us from debating the last 9 months right now.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 01:37 pm
Yeah, but nine months is hardly enough to set a eight years mess straight...
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 01:52 pm
No doubt. I'm not saying that Obama should have reversed everything by now....but he should have done something, no?

Sorry, I forgot about the equal pay act, he did do that.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:07 pm
What accomplishment has this guy made that makes you proud to have voted for him?

Here are two things, off the top of my head.

1. Saved the world from an economic meltdown that would have probably left millions destitute and without hope.

2. Taken a rational stance with our enemies and completely dispensed with the sabre-rattling bullshit stance of a two-year-old that we've taken for the past decade.

It's only been nine months, but he's working on healthcare and he's moving things in the right direction, as far as I'm concerned. And these two things are no small feats.

What were the great accomplishments of George Bush in his first nine months in office? I mean, besides taking a lot of vacations. And what do you think McCain would have accomplished by now that would have made you so very happy?
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:29 pm
1. I'm not going to give Obama credit for #1. We'd have been better off not doing anything.

2. What has he actually accomplished with our enemies? Didn't Iran just launch another missle?

I heard that congress was doing all the heavy lifting on health care, and Obama was pretty much delegating the work to them. .

And as far as GWB, I can understand why you'd want to go back there, but I didn't vote for Bush, I didn't support Bush, and he is not the president today.
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:38 pm
accurate or not... public perception of Obama is weakening. Robert is correct that it's not the Prez as much as the democratic party in general... but Obama is head of the democratic party. Joe lunch box doesn't have any ******* idea what the Lily Ledbeter act is.... but he knows Obama's own party members are telling him to **** himself on the legislation that will define his success, that Afghanistan is percieved as another Viet Nam and that even with a majority in Congress and the Senate he's not showing some balls and telling the republicans to **** off. THAT'S THE PERCEPTION. got news for you the average American, even the ones who try to pay attention aren't genius' like everyone here fancies themselves to be and believe what they're told to believe. The things you point to that he's accomplished he received only token resistance to.

Obama is perceived currently as too left for the right and too moderate for the left, and a weak sister by a growing amount of people. It doesn't matter whether it's accurate because the perception becomes reality. If Obama doesn't flex his muscles and play to his audience he's in for trouble and so is the whole democratic party and that spells disaster for America if the right with their current agenda gets back in power. Apparently they can control the game even when not in power.
Green Witch
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:43 pm
1. I'm not going to give Obama credit for #1. We'd have been better off not doing anything.

So you agree with the economic tactics President Hoover took in 1930?
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:46 pm
@Green Witch,
Not the same economy.
Robert Gentel
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:49 pm
maporsche wrote:
That would just be conjecture; a wasted exercise.

I think it would be a useful comparison to your current pessimism, but that you can't come up with that list either tells me enough.
Robert Gentel
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:53 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Robert is correct that it's not the Prez as much as the democratic party in general... but Obama is head of the democratic party.

That's not what I'm saying either. For example, how about just painting a picture of all the massive change you think should be accomplished in your ideal scenario.

I suspect it will either be not too dissimilar to current reality if it's realistic, or it will be fantasy land.

Ultimately what I'm saying is that expecting a lot more is not that realistic and blaming Obama for it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Green Witch
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 02:58 pm
Actually, very similar cause and effect. The history of the Great Depression has incredible parallels to the collapse of today's markets. The Obama administration used the past as a template in order to not make the same mistakes. Most economic experts agree that what he did helped keep the country from plummeting into a far greater disaster. I do not like burdening a future generation with debt, and I'm not a fan of corporate America, but for now the infusion of cash has done more good than harm.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:00 pm
maporsche wrote:

No doubt. I'm not saying that Obama should have reversed everything by now....but he should have done something, no?

That's why when ebrown mentioned ending American torture you were satisfied with that "something" and did not also demand that he end torture in other countries too. Oh.

I think you enjoy your pessimism a tad too much.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:00 pm
maporsche wrote:
1. I'm not going to give Obama credit for #1. We'd have been better off not doing anything.

So you would have rather had all these companies go under, along with all those millions of jobs. Faced with either doing something or allowing us to fall into another great depression, you'd rather take the depression. If that's your idea of an accomplishment then I'm glad Obama doesn't measure up.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:06 pm
No, I demanded that he end RENDITION, which is the practice of the USA 'exporting' or 'outsourcing' our torture.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:07 pm
The companies that failed, should have been allowed to go under.

The job losses would not have been as disasterous as the fear-mongers would have you believe. Not that we'll ever know for sure. Nor is this the place for that discussion again, there are several threads about the economy where this would make more sense.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:11 pm
maporsche wrote:

No, I demanded that he end RENDITION, which is the practice of the USA 'exporting' or 'outsourcing' our torture.

Right. But you said he should have done "something" but implied he hasn't done anything. So I gave the example of ebrown stating that he ended American torture, which wasn't good enough for you because he didn't also end rendition (for which I know the definition).

I'd point out that while you are skewering him for having done nothing, others are accusing him of making radical changes that will destroy our republic. I dare say he can't win for losing. I for one won't be piling on in his first year. He had a big mess, I think it's only fair to give him time to clean it up.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:13 pm
I think others are accusing him of wanting to make radical changes. It's pretty obvious that he hasn't doing anything of consequence as of yet.

How long until you start piling on Freeduck? How long should it take to finish something in Washington?

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