Problem is that what we see is that the people why most ought to be careful and thoughtful about having children (ie least capable of parenting) tend to get pregnant at fifteen or so, and keep having kids to different, anti-social and/or violent men, from generation unto generation. But one supposed this must be diminishing, despite its apparent proliferation from where I sit!
Research is starting to be able to pull out what the particular risk factors are that go along with poverty and lead to crime...but it's early days (apart from the obvious Maslow stuff that Robert pointed out.)
Here's an interesting one. It was American research, I believe. Poor mothers tended to believe that understanding and responding to a baby's emotional state was unimportant, as compared with mothers from a wealthier background.
The white adoptees in prison thing you mentioned is interesting.....from memory, adoptees across the board have a greater tendency to be troubled than non-adoptees from the same family/social strata....but generally do better than kids who remain with unstable single mums.
We are seeing a lot of the kids resulting from the drying up of Australian babies up for adoption, and the resultant overseas adoptions of older, and often very traumatised kids from other countries.
Early adoptive parents who did this often had NO idea what they might be up for, but they seem to be better prepared these days.
But I am digressing the hell all over the place and way off topic.