mysteryman wrote:Are the halls of congress so sacrosanct that people have to be quiet and not react to what is said?
I don't think so, and I don't really care about the argument that some will use about "respecting" the office of president. Few really respect the office itself, unless it's occupied by their side (witness all the folk here who cheered when a shoe was thrown at Bush but suddenly call for respect for Obama). I certainly don't think they should be treated with kid gloves.
That being said what he did (and to a lesser extent what the sign holders were doing) is just plain retarded. And they should pay the political price for it. They had no legitimate policy point to make, and are taking petty political obstruction too far. His own party recognizes how daft that was and will ostracize him for it. So will the public.
And they have every right to do so, and the public has every right to punish him at the ballot box. This guy might have just torpedoed his career, and for what? He had no legitimate policy point to make whatsoever in his disruption, and looks like an ass as a result. He missed a great opportunity to keep his mouth shut and this is the predicable consequence.
I think it's hilarious!