Robert Gentel wrote:No, when TTH started up her nonsense about how it was supporting a cult etc I removed that permanently.

I never accused anyone of being in a cult and I sure didn't write anything about using money to support a cult. The least you can do is be fair.
I didn't even know anything about a cult until that member called you a name and then you posted explaining it.
I only asked about the donation of money because nothing said what or who the money was going to or what it would be used for. I don't see anything wrong with asking questions if someone is going to donate money. I agree that I didn't ask the question right. My only excuse is I was new to sites such as this one and was still learning. I never meant any harm and I am sorry if you took it that way.
I am also not the type of person who would donate money, talk about it, demand special treatment or anything else. Believe what you want, but I do have morals and ethics.