Ya know
I have no idea how you stay so calm, Robert!!!!!!!! Truly - the 'personal' rantings of some folk must do your head in at times.
If folk don't wanna be on A2K - then there is no need to be here - there is a choice - it's the internet - if you wish to go and play somewhere else, do so, instead of spitting the dummy about the forum. Simple!
"everyone" who wants to post - is able to! It's not so difficult.
if "anyone" doesn't like the forum - why continue to be here?
"everyone moved"????????????????????? mmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't think so!
There are many regular posters - some come and go and some things happen in between - but there is, in my opinion, certainly a community here, and a great one. For some it is a virtual community and for others it moves over into real life, as well as online, with varying degrees of interaction.
There are a lot of irregular posters here too and it's really nice to see people coming back online and saying "hey" again - it's a shame some people leave and the sad feelings of missing people who have disappeared (for whatever reasons), those feelings are very real. How is that any different to real life and moving house/town/community? You can stay in touch with people a million and one ways - or not if you choose.
There is a huge sense of community too. As much as there are folk getting along, there are folk arguing/discussing/debating. As much as there are people who I talk with as part of the community - there are also people here who often make me feel sick to my stomach and whom I choose not to converse with (I'm certain that works vice versa also - no problem) - no different to real life. The joy of the internet is, it is here as much as you choose to be on it, enjoy it and take part in it whereas in real life it's a lot harder to ignore people.
AND - it isn't costing a thing to the users!!!!!!!!! The people who have a personal financial cost for it seem to get hammered - amazing

<shakes head>
Why anyone stays on any forum, repeatedly declaring their disgust for it - just doesn't make sense.
I haven't been here that long but was aware of changes taking place and that the owners had been talking to many folk. The changes that took place - well, ya know - you just can't please everybody all of the time a?

There were things I didn't take to immediately - so what? The community is why I, personally, was here and stayed - the format was neither here nor there.
I simply don't understand if someone hates the place so much - why they are still posting.
edit: DYING COMMUNITY...... Wha??????????????????????????????????????? Good grief.