Nope no bias. Just years of dealing with lawyers and judges and insurance companies who were hammering out what would be covered, what could be denied, and the gray areas in between. I have no stake in any insurance company and no reason to take any side but I believe to be the right side. Sometimes the claimant or policy holder is right in disputes. Sometimes the insurance company is right. I have been advocate for both sides.
Insurance companies cannot meet all the demands people would like to put on them. People are often disappointed, inconvienced, and even endangered not because the insurance company is unreasonable, but because they did not understand the product they were buying.
But that's okay with you, right? Just like in the case of the unethical vendor? It isn't her fault that people didn't understand what she was selling. It was their own stupidity right? That was your opinion about that.
How is not understanding what health insurance covers any different?
For obvious reasons, people cannot wait until they NEED insurance to arrange to purchase it. Insurance companies cannot operate at all if every policy holder files claims equal to or exceeding the premiums they pay.
My view of healthcare reform is that there does need to be a lot better explanation of what is and what is not covered. Agents are notorious for not understanding the product they are selling.
People need to have a good explanation of how to handle complaints if they feel they have been denied a medication or procedure or treatment unfairly.
And if the government would seriously attempt to meet the insurance company's needs and concerns with the understanding that the savings be passed on to the policy holders, it would be doing a great service.
But I remain convinced that a government administered program would be no more humane and would be far more restrictive. It is already that way in most of the healthcare it now manages and many a doctor finds it too restrictive to practice government medicine. There is no reason to think it would be any different if government gets involved in it all.