Sarah Palin resigns as Governor of Alaska.

Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 12:06 am
Pardon me if mine is not the first thread...I looked!

Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska abruptly announced on Friday that she was quitting at the end of the month, shocking Republicans across the country and leaving both parties uncertain about whether she was leaving national politics or laying the groundwork for a presidential run.

Ms. Palin, 45, the Republican vice-presidential nominee last year, was supposed to serve through the end of 2010; she said she would cede control of the state to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell on July 26.

Speaking outside her home in Wasilla, Ms. Palin offered conflicting signals about her intentions and her motivation.

In her tone and some of her words in an often-rambling announcement, she sounded like someone who was making a permanent exit from politics after what her friends have called a rough and dispiriting year.

But her remarks, delivered in a voice that often seemed rushed and jittery, sounded at times like those of a candidate with continued national aspirations, as when she suggested she could “fight for all our children’s future from outside the governor’s office.”

Ms. Palin said that she had decided not to seek re-election when her term expires at the end of next year and that, given that, she did not think it was fair to her constituents to continue in office.

“As I thought about this announcement that I would not seek re-election,” she said, “I thought about how much fun other governors have as lame ducks. They maybe travel around their state, travel to other states, maybe take their overseas international trade missions.”

“I’m not going to put Alaskans through that,” she said. “I promised efficiencies and effectiveness. That’s not how I’m wired. I’m not wired to operate under the same old politics as usual.”

The news conference came at the end of a week in which a Vanity Fair article about Ms. Palin brought renewed focus on many of the criticisms of her as a candidate for vice president under Senator John McCain of Arizona and set off a new round of recriminations among Mr. McCain’s advisers about her competence.

But while Ms. Palin has been derided by much of the Republican elite, she remains extremely popular with many grass-roots members, especially social and religious conservatives.

Ms. Palin’s announcement was another unusual marker in what has been a tumultuous year for this first-term governor since Mr. McCain turned her into a national figure overnight by surprising his own party and naming her his running mate. It also underscored the instability in the Republican Party as it tries to find a strategy and voice in the wake of losses in 2008.

Ms. Palin made the announcement standing with her family. At one point she described how her children had voted in favor of her doing this " “Four yeses and one ‘Hell, yeah!’ ” she said " suggesting that the family had had enough of the scrutiny that had made them tabloid staples.

But at another point she invoked a military quotation, misattributing it to Gen. Douglas MacArthur, in what seemed to be an effort to wave aside any suggestion that she was abandoning the fight. “He said, ‘We’re not retreating; we are advancing in another direction,’ ” she said. (The remark was actually said by Maj. Gen. Oliver Prince Smith.)

Later in the afternoon, as questions reverberated in Republican circles about what exactly she intended to do, Ms. Palin posted a notice on her Twitter site, reading: “We’ll soon attach info on decision to not seek re-election ... This is in Alaska’s best interest, my family’s happy ... It is good, stay tuned.”

Ms. Palin is among a number of governors who are possible contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 and whose terms expire in 2010.

Many Republican strategists have argued that it would be difficult for someone to run for governor in 2010 and turn around immediately, while running a state, and run for president in 2012. Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota announced last month that he would not seek re-election when his term expired in 2010, as he considers a race for president.

Quitting midterm, however, is highly unusual. It set off speculation about what led her to leave so abruptly. One interpretation among Republicans was that she had simply underscored how erratic she is as a politician.

“Good point guards don’t quit and walk off the floor if the going gets tough,” said John Weaver, a former senior strategist for Mr. McCain. “Today’s move falls further into the weirdness category; people don’t like a quitter.”

But some of her supporters argued that this could actually provide Ms. Palin an opportunity to recover from what has been a damaging year for her, and prepare herself for the 2012 race. She has been enmeshed in continuing battles with members of both parties in her Legislature.

Full story continues here:


The video


Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 01:13 am
Pardon me if mine is not the first thread...I looked!

Yours is not the first thread on this subject. You didn't look hard enough.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 05:15 am
Can she be in some sort of convoluted que to be a candidate to replace Sen Stevens?. Did they replace stevens yet?
Joe Nation
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 05:21 am
Alaska Senators : Begich and Murkowski
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 05:22 am
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:

Pardon me if mine is not the first thread...I looked!

Yours is not the first thread on this subject. You didn't look hard enough.

Maybe she has H2o man in ignore.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 05:50 am
This woman SCARED us, you know...you know...the world.

That McCain (who I had previously thought not too bad in some ways) would stoop to such a being....

And...that a frail candidate would seek the presidency with such a vice-presidential candidate!!!!!

Veeps get to be president.....Johnson, Ford.............. and Cheney for eight years.

Tell us she really is resigning from politics...this isn't some mad scheme for 2012?????????????
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 07:19 am
Here's t'other one:

0 Replies
Region Philbis
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 10:22 am

hope she gets the nomination in '12, thus guaranteeing a 2nd term for obama...
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 10:25 am
I hope a tough, knowledgeable Republican emerges from obsurity to give Obama a tough reelection bid. I want him to be forced to argue for his positions, and I also hope he gets pushed into moving a bit left.
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ebrown p
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 10:59 am

In simple terms: the country will not want to risk electing an experienced women as president
so soon after they made the huge mistake of electing a black man with no experience.

Won't this post be funny when Hillary is elected in 2016.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 11:21 am
@Region Philbis,
Even the Repubs aren't stupid enough to put Palin as the nominee after trying their luck with senile McCain.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 11:30 am
Here are some poll results taken at the peak of awareness of Palin and her political positions and political activity :

"At the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference, a straw poll was held to determine who conservatives would be most likely to support for president in 2012. Palin came in third, with 13%, tying Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney came in first with 20%, followed by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal with 14%"

Note she has placed and tied for third behind Jindal who basically imploded.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 11:42 am
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:


In simple terms: the country will not want to risk electing an experienced women as president
so soon after they made the huge mistake of electing a black man with no experience.

Won't this post be funny when Hillary is elected in 2016.

Hope for change springs eternal with you... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 11:54 am

You Betcha
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 05:45 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

I honestly think Palin should keep her Presidential sights set on being chosen as the VP.

In simple terms: the country will not want to risk electing an experienced women as president
so soon after they made the huge mistake of electing a black man with no experience.

Your racism is showing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 06:47 pm
Ragman wrote:

Here are some poll results taken at the peak of awareness of Palin and her political positions and political activity :

"At the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference, a straw poll was held to determine who conservatives would be most likely to support for president in 2012. Palin came in third, with 13%, tying Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney came in first with 20%, followed by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal with 14%"

Note she has placed and tied for third behind Jindal who basically imploded.

I did not mean those jokers. It would have to be somebody no one has as yet considered.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 07:16 pm
yes , I agree. The ultimate health of our 2-party system and our country is at stake, not that I'm enamored of Repugs.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 07:35 pm
She scared YOU?

Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 07:50 pm
At this point in ife, I could not bear to vote Republican. But, I am not that thrilled with the Democrats. Something's got to give.

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