Guns: how much longer will it take ....

Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 12:05 pm
Have you given a definition of what an "Assault weapon" is? The standard definition would be a fully automatic weapon capable of firing more than a single bullet with each pull of the trigger.

I assume you are using a definition different then that. Could you please clarify for me what definition you are using. Please be as precise as you can be as some features can be falsely construed as being an assault weapon feature.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 12:39 pm
That is incorrect. When it comes to claims that guns with a set of features are more deadly, the question of whether or not those features make a gun more deadly is entirely relevant.

Whether a specific feature is more deadly or not is irrelevant to whether a ban on assault weapons is constitutional
The courts have consistently ruled that such a ban is Constitutional.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 12:47 pm
6 out of the 10 highest casualty mass shootings involve assault rifles.

From this site: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/12/481768384/a-list-of-the-deadliest-mass-shootings-in-u-s-history

The Orlando nightclub shooting in which there were 49 killed was done with a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic pistol.

Cho Seung-hui killed 32 and injured 25 using two semi-automatic pistols.

Adam Lanza killed 28 using a semi-automatic rifle and a semi-automatic pistol. George Hennard killed 24 and wounded 20 using two semi-automatic pistols.

James Oliver Huberty killed 22 and wounded 19 using a semi-automatic pistol, an uzi, and a shotgun.

Charles Whitman killed 17 and wounded 31 using a bolt-action rifle, a .35 caliber rifle, a shotgun, two semi-automatic pistols, a .357 Magnum, and a knife.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 8 and wounded 24 using a rifle, a shotgun and two knives.

Patrick Henry Sherrill killed 14 and wounded 6 using three semi-automatic pistols.

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 16 and wounded 24 using two semi-automatic rifles and two semi-automatic handguns.

Jiverly Wong killed 13 and wounded 4 using two semi-automatic pistols.

Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and wounded 32 using a semi-automatic handgun.

Aaron Alexis killed 12 and wounded 3 using a shotgun and a semi-automatic pistol.

Now go ahead and add up the number of deaths from rifles as opposed to handguns.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 12:51 pm
sceletera wrote:
Whether a specific feature is more deadly or not is irrelevant to whether a ban on assault weapons is constitutional

That is incorrect. Restrictions on a right are allowed only if there is a good reason for the restriction.

sceletera wrote:
The courts have consistently ruled that such a ban is Constitutional.

Interesting trivia, but let's focus on the issue under discussion.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 01:05 pm
oralloy wrote:

sceletera wrote:
Running from the argument seems to be all oralloy is capable of doing.

You always lie about people when you have no facts to support you. It's not a very honorable trait.

You always run from any discussion of whether a ban on assault weapons is Constitutional by introducing your pistol grip red herring. My statement is not a lie. Your argument is not directed to the question but only attempts to divert from that question.
The question is:
Is it Constitutional to ban assault style weapons?
The answer as given by the US courts is "yes."

The answer as given by oralloy?
I'm not the one who causes the gun banners to devote all of their energy to trying to ban pistol grips for no good reason.

Let's examine why this is an argument that doesn't address the question.
1. He claims "gun banners" are doing something. This is nothing more than an attempt to demonize his opponents by using an emotional appeal that attempts to paint them as extremists since he dislikes those that would ban guns.
2. He claims they are devoting "all of their energy to trying to ban pistol grips". This statement is a basic strawman. It misrepresents the position of the argument on the other side. No one for gun control is devoting all their energy to ban pistol grips. In fact, pistol grips are a very small part of the gun control argument. It is only a minor detail that is used to identify some of the guns that might be banned.
3. By concentrating on pistol grips, oralloy is creating a red herring that avoids the basic question of whether it is Constitutional to ban assault style weapons. It seems he thinks he is getting away with it when it actually shows how weak is argument is.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 01:16 pm
oralloy wrote:

sceletera wrote:
I see. So you concede that assault weapons can be banned.

Nope. There continues to be no justification for banning any of the prohibited features.

By changing the question to only be about features, you ignore the main question.

This is a list of firearms to be banned.
‘(i) Norinco, Mitchell, and Poly Technologies Avtomat Kalashnikovs (all models);
‘(ii) Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI and Galil;
‘(iii) Beretta Ar70 (SC-70);
‘(iv) Colt AR-15;
‘(v) Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR, and FNC;
‘(vi) SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9, and M-12;
‘(vii) Steyr AUG;
‘(viii) INTRATEC TEC-9, TEC-DC9 and TEC-22; and

By naming the firearms there is no mention of features. The features on each weapon are irrelevant since it is the total weapon with a specific name that is being specified. What color the weapons are is irrelevant. Which one's have a pistol grip is irrelevant.

I doubt you can argue for any of these weapons without mentioning "pistol grips."

The weapons on that list have either been used in mass shootings or are very similar to a weapon used in a mass shooting.
When that type of weapon is used in a mass shooting it results in more fatalities than any other type of weapon. The state has a vested interest in reducing the number of fatalities in mass shootings. The courts have repeatedly ruled that a ban on those specific weapons is Constitutional.

Your argument is what?
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 01:39 pm
McGentrix wrote:

Have you given a definition of what an "Assault weapon" is? The standard definition would be a fully automatic weapon capable of firing more than a single bullet with each pull of the trigger.

The Federal Assault Weapons ban listed specific weapons by name.

See my previous post.

Assault style weapon may be a better phrase if you prefer that. A weapon designed to look and function like a current military style weapon other than it doesn't have a fully automatic capability would seem to fit that definition. A semi automatic hunting rifle from the 1960's would hardly be classified as an assault style weapon. Or we could use the phrase often used by police officers and gun enthusiasts ; "tactical weapons." I think we can agree that the guns were originally designed to be used in war against human targets.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 02:10 pm
Politicians with no understanding of weapons made up a term and then banned any weapon they felt met that definition.

I wonder what the reason for banning a bayonet lug is?
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 02:13 pm
You may want to update your list. You aren't including Las Vegas or the recent Florida schools shooting.

The top 6 shootings that involved a weapon classified as an assault weapon under the 1994 Federal law

Las Vegas - 59 killed
Orlando Pulse Nightclub - 50
Sandy Hook - 28
Sutherland Springs Church Shooting - 27
Stoneman Douglas School - 17
San Bernadino - 16

All of those happened after 2004 and the Fed Assault Weapons ban expired.

These mass shootings didn't involve assault style weapon but after 2004
Virginia Tech - 33
Binghamton - 14
Fort Hood - 13
Navy Yard - 13
Umpqua Community College shooting - 10
(there are no more in the top 20).
We will assume 9 for number 6

Shootings prior to 2004 not involving assault style weapon
Luby's in 1991 - 24 (2 hand guns)
Edmond Post office 1986 - 15
Camden -1949 13
San Ysidro McDonalds - 1984 - 22 (did involve rifle)
Texas tower shooting - 18 (did involve rifle)
Columbine - 1999 - 15 (did involve long guns)

The totals for the top 6 shootings involving assault style weapons - 197
The total for the top 6 shootings after 2004 not involving assault style weapons - 89
The total for the top 6 shooting since 1948 not involving assault style weapons (but including long guns) - 127.

Not only do we see that mass shootings with assault style weapons result in more casualties we see that those shootings are becoming much more common after the assault weapons ban expired.

Even more disconcerting is even though you keep claiming assault weapons are used in less than 20% of mass shootings, we see they make up well over half the high casualty shootings in the last 20 years.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 02:34 pm
That is incorrect. Restrictions on a right are allowed only if there is a good reason for the restriction.

It must be justified by a compelling governmental interest. While the Courts have never brightly defined how to determine if an interest is compelling, the concept generally refers to something necessary or crucial, as opposed to something merely preferred. Examples include national security, preserving the lives of a large number of individuals, and not violating explicit constitutional protections.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 02:36 pm
Laws tend to try to define a lot of things. Without legal definitions the ways to get around a law would be legion.

Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 02:45 pm
Laws tend to try to define a lot of things. Without legal definitions the ways to get around a law would be legion.

Laws do define a lot of things, the problem is making up fake definitions so that you can ban something you don't like and don't understand.

Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 03:02 pm
What's to understand? Do assault weapons kill people? Does the government have a responsibility to protect it's citizens from death?

We can disagree on what level of death is acceptable but no one can deny that the guns defined in that law have caused the deaths of many.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 03:12 pm
sceletera wrote:
You always run from any discussion of whether a ban on assault weapons is Constitutional by introducing your pistol grip red herring.

Directly addressing the subject of the ban is neither running from a discussion nor is it a red herring.

sceletera wrote:
My statement is not a lie.

Yes it is. You lie about people whenever you have no facts (which is all the time).

sceletera wrote:
Your argument is not directed to the question but only attempts to divert from that question.

Talking about pistol grips is very much directed to the question of whether a ban on pistol grips is legitimate.

Talking about pistol grips is not an attempt to divert from a discussion about bans on pistol grips.

sceletera wrote:
The question is:
Is it Constitutional to ban assault style weapons?
The answer as given by the US courts is "yes."

More idle trivia not related to the subject under discussion.

sceletera wrote:
The answer as given by oralloy?
I'm not the one who causes the gun banners to devote all of their energy to trying to ban pistol grips for no good reason.

Another one of your lies. I made that comment in response to something entirely different from your silly trivia question.

sceletera wrote:
Let's examine why this is an argument that doesn't address the question.

It doesn't address the question because I made that comment in response to something entirely different from what you are claiming.

sceletera wrote:
1. He claims "gun banners" are doing something. This is nothing more than an attempt to demonize his opponents by using an emotional appeal that attempts to paint them as extremists since he dislikes those that would ban guns.

Hardly an emotional appeal when they are openly and actively trying to do the very thing that I accuse them of trying to do.

sceletera wrote:
2. He claims they are devoting "all of their energy to trying to ban pistol grips". This statement is a basic strawman. It misrepresents the position of the argument on the other side. No one for gun control is devoting all their energy to ban pistol grips. In fact, pistol grips are a very small part of the gun control argument. It is only a minor detail that is used to identify some of the guns that might be banned.

No straw man. A straw man is something that you attack with your arguments. I am not attacking them for self-sabotaging. I openly encourage them to self-sabotage as much as they can.

Their self-sabotage is one reason why the NRA finds it so easy to defeat them.

sceletera wrote:
3. By concentrating on pistol grips, oralloy is creating a red herring that avoids the basic question of whether it is Constitutional to ban assault style weapons.

Focusing directly on the features that would be banned is not a read hearing.

Focusing directly on the features that would be banned does not avoid the question of whether it is unconstitutional. It directly confronts that question.

sceletera wrote:
It seems he thinks he is getting away with it when it actually shows how weak is argument is.

My directly addressing the subject and proving you wrong on the facts does not make for a weak argument.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 03:13 pm
sceletera wrote:
By changing the question to only be about features, you ignore the main question.

Hardly. That is the main question.

sceletera wrote:
This is a list of firearms to be banned.
‘(i) Norinco, Mitchell, and Poly Technologies Avtomat Kalashnikovs (all models);
‘(ii) Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI and Galil;
‘(iii) Beretta Ar70 (SC-70);
‘(iv) Colt AR-15;
‘(v) Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR, and FNC;
‘(vi) SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9, and M-12;
‘(vii) Steyr AUG;
‘(viii) INTRATEC TEC-9, TEC-DC9 and TEC-22; and

By naming the firearms there is no mention of features.

These firearms were named only because they have features that there is no reason for banning.

sceletera wrote:
The features on each weapon are irrelevant since it is the total weapon with a specific name that is being specified.

Not irrelevant when those features are the only reason why the specified weapon was banned.

sceletera wrote:
Which one's have a pistol grip is irrelevant.

Not irrelevant when the pistol grip is the reason why the weapon was banned.

sceletera wrote:
I doubt you can argue for any of these weapons without mentioning "pistol grips."

The reason such a ban is unconstitutional is because such a ban cannot be justified with a good reason.

sceletera wrote:
The weapons on that list have either been used in mass shootings or are very similar to a weapon used in a mass shooting.

Wrong. They are on the list because their cosmetics match the cosmetics of weapons that were used in mass shootings.

Identical weapons with different cosmetics are not banned because the ban is focused entirely on harmless cosmetics.

sceletera wrote:
When that type of weapon is used in a mass shooting it results in more fatalities than any other type of weapon.

Wrong. The cosmetics of the gun do not impact the fatalities in any way.

sceletera wrote:
The state has a vested interest in reducing the number of fatalities in mass shootings.

They aren't going to achieve that with a pointless ban on cosmetics.

sceletera wrote:
The courts have repeatedly ruled that a ban on those specific weapons is Constitutional.

More irrelevant trivia.

sceletera wrote:
Your argument is what?

That there is no justification for a ban on harmless cosmetics.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 03:14 pm
sceletera wrote:
Assault style weapon may be a better phrase if you prefer that. A weapon designed to look and function like a current military style weapon other than it doesn't have a fully automatic capability would seem to fit that definition.

"Look like" = Cosmetics.

How is their function different from any other semi-auto rifle with a detachable magazine?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 03:15 pm
sceletera wrote:
preserving the lives of a large number of individuals,

Bans on pistol grips do not save a single life.
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 03:16 pm
sceletera wrote:
What's to understand? Do assault weapons kill people? Does the government have a responsibility to protect it's citizens from death?
We can disagree on what level of death is acceptable but no one can deny that the guns defined in that law have caused the deaths of many.

Pistol grips have not caused a single fatality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 04:49 pm
blah, blah, blah, blah....

You didn't address anything about an assault weapons ban. You simply accuse me of lying and then double down on all your fallacious arguments.

Focusing directly on the features that would be banned is not a read hearing. [sic]

What would be banned under the law ...
‘(i) Norinco, Mitchell, and Poly Technologies Avtomat Kalashnikovs (all models);
‘(ii) Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI and Galil;
‘(iii) Beretta Ar70 (SC-70);
‘(iv) Colt AR-15;
‘(v) Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR, and FNC;
‘(vi) SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9, and M-12;
‘(vii) Steyr AUG;
‘(viii) INTRATEC TEC-9, TEC-DC9 and TEC-22;

Not a single mention of a pistol grip in that list. Resorting to arguing about pistol grips is clearly not dealing with the issue of banning the named weapons.

I did get a chuckle out of your typo.

But is it a well
read hearing [sic]
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2018 04:58 pm
oralloy wrote:

sceletera wrote:
preserving the lives of a large number of individuals,

Bans on pistol grips do not save a single life.

As has been shown, the banned guns result in more deaths in a mass shooting incident on average than other guns do. They don't produce more deaths because the pistol grips didn't save a life. They produce more deaths because they are a variation of a model of gun that was originally designed to kill and maim humans in combat.

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