Guns: how much longer will it take ....

Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 06:31 pm
msolga wrote:
Personally, I believe it would be far more sensible if ordinary citizens didn't have such easy access to guns in the first place. (legally or illegally)

Loss of freedom is never sensible.

msolga wrote:
Then, when a potential killer cracks under stress, looks for revenge, or suffers from an episode of instability or insanity, they might just have to find another (far less harmful to others) method of acting out their aggression or anger, or whatever it is they think they're doing..... :

More likely they would build a bomb and kill more people than if they had used a gun.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 06:45 pm
djjd62 wrote:
i got two words for you, con fiscation

actually now that i look at it i guess it's one word

Seeing how Congress will not pass a law authorizing such confiscation, and how the Supreme Court would strike it down even if they did, I think this fantasy of a bunch of jack booted thugs violating everyone's rights is a bit of a non-starter.

And I think you underestimate the reaction of the entire American populace if the government did send armed teams out to violate everyone's rights. Even if only a very small percentage of gun owners were pushed over to guerrilla warfare, it would make a huge mess of the country. And woe to any elected official who supported it next time there was an election -- whatever political party perpetrated the outrage would have to disband, because they'd never win another election.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 06:49 pm
oralloy wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:
I for one do not trust your judgment. Too many gun-toters feel that the best response to any situation which seems at all threatening is to kill. I don't want to be around that.

I am not against guns and I nearly think that every American household should be REQUIRED to own a long rifle. But I don't agree with Pistols, a coward's weapon and the cause of much of the violence we see in our modern lives.


Pistols aren't a coward's weapon. That's silly. Pistols are just for carrying when a long gun is too bulky.

They also are not the cause of violence. People would be violent even without pistols.

Yes, history proves the violent side of humans has been active long, long before the pistol was invented.

Pistol fighting your way back to your long gun can gain you an advantage.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 06:52 pm
msolga wrote:
I think the largest growing segment of gun owners are more about the power guns give an individual and not the sport. Guns no longer equal food or safety from an intruder, but rather individual power and machismo. We've had a few drug raids in my area and the cops didn't find hunting rifles, but rather small sized machine guns . These military style guns are scary. I think people who crave them are not the same as the guy who owns a few guns to hunt deer or protect his family from intruders. These bigger, badder guns are designed to kill many quickly and give the user a feeling of invincibility. I think they are just want criminals crave and it's why drug lords in Mexico come to the US to stock up on weapons. I don't think we are ever going to see these guns removed from our society because the people who are attracted to them have an addiction to the feeling of power these guns offer . We could not eliminate these guns in our society anymore than we can get rid of drugs. We are saturated with them- and they are a big, profitable business based on demand.

Interesting post, Green Witch.
What are the legalities regarding these military style guns?
Who can own one (or more, I guess?) & under what sort of circumstances would ownership be allowed?
I can't imagine why any citizen would actually need a power gun, say nothing of why the state would allow it.

I'm going to assume that "military style guns" refers to rifles with a pistol grip on them.

In that case, people have the right to have as many of them as they want.

They don't have to "need" it, or even think they "need" it. If Americans were serfs, maybe we would have to justify a need. But we are free people here, and we can go buy one simply because we feel like it.
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 06:56 pm
mysteryman wrote:
We've had a few drug raids in my area and the cops didn't find hunting rifles, but rather small sized machine guns . These military style guns are scary

First off, unless you have a federal permit it is illegal to own any type of machine gun or any other fully automatic weapon.
So, since you say these guns were confiscated during drug raids, the people raided were already committing a felony.
These kind of people have no regard for the law, so why does it surprise you that they broke another law?

I suspect that the guns weren't full auto, and the only thing "military style" about them was a pistol grip.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 06:59 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
maporsche wrote:
I care more about my right to own guns than I do about the life that is lost because of guns.

wow, quite the misanthrope, aren't you. Fact is, gun control works in other civilized countries

It works at taking away people's freedom (which is its only purpose in the first place). It doesn't serve much other purpose.

CalamityJane wrote:
and crime is just a fraction of that of the United States.

Balderdash! Stop making things up.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 07:02 pm
oralloy wrote:

I'm going to assume that "military style guns" refers to rifles with a pistol grip on them.

In that case, people have the right to have as many of them as they want.


For most enthusiast, a pistol grip feels more natural and comfortable.
Felt recoil and muzzle rise are usually reduced with pistol grips.
They are an excellent choice especially if you have arthritis.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 07:03 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
maporsche, of course I drive - driving a car has nothing to do withowning a gun. Yes, people die in car accidents, people die of cancer andother illnesses too, but that's not an argument to have the right to own a gun.

Actually, it is.

The freedom haters claim they want to ban guns because of the lives that are lost. Yet banning cars would save far more lives than banning guns, and they don't want to ban cars.

Quite clearly the agenda really has nothing to do with saving lives. They just hate our freedom.
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 07:06 pm
msolga wrote:
I care more about my right to own guns than I do about the life that is lost because of guns.

I don't know why you feel people have to admit this, it's rather obvious isn't it?

Hell, I don't think it's even that shocking of a statement......


You actually mean this?

Or is this some attempt a humour, or irony, or something (?) that's lost (0n me) via "cultural translation"?

If you actually do mean it, well, I honestly don't know what to say ........

Leaving aside for a second the fact that guns have very little impact on homicide rates.

Even if they did, of course the right to have guns would be more important than the loss of lives incurred.

Freedom is always more important than life.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 07:20 pm
dlowan wrote:
Nobody is suggesting banning all guns.

Unfortunately, some people *are* suggesting that all guns be banned -- including one person in this thread if I'm not mistaken.

I can see why you might want to distinguish that this is not your own position however.

Banning any gun that we have the right to have is just as bad as banning all guns though. So if you want to ban pistol grips on long guns, you may as well be trying to ban every gun.

dlowan wrote:
Nobody is suggesting gun control stops all murders.

Lots of people wrongly claim that gun control would stop a statistically significant number of murders.

Anyway, goodnight everyone -- was up all night last night, and am now about to fall asleep in front of the computer. I'll resume going through this thread tomorrow sometime.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 07:22 pm
oralloy wrote:
... banning cars would save far more lives than banning guns...

We would no longer be dependent on foreign oil and the car ban would slow global warming drastically.

Change you can believe in.
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Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 08:52 pm
oralloy wrote:

msolga wrote:
Easy access to guns leads to far too many easy killings of innocent people.:

No it doesn't. People would be killed just as easily if someone took our freedom away.

Indeed; people did not wait until guns were invented
to begin murdering.

Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 09:06 pm
Let the record indicate
that I join in the sentiment set forth above, that:
"I care more about my right to own guns than I do about the life that is lost because of guns."

I do not subordinate my right to self-defense to ANYTHING.

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Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:44 am
msolga wrote:
But, if you're not OK with any murder, then what exactly do you mean by your statement?:

"I care more about my right to own guns than I do about the life that is lost because of guns."

Those 24 people who died on the weekend were killed by gunmen. Using guns as murder weapons, obviously!

I don't find it particularly useful to speculate on other ways in which those 24 people might have died, instead.

If you don't look at the fact that this guy could have killed these people just as easily without guns, your focus on "the guns" has little basis in logic.

Of course, if you did look at the fact that this guy could have killed these people just as easily without guns, there would still be no logical basis for focusing on "the guns", so your position is logically doomed either way I guess.
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Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 03:49 am
saab wrote:
you probably donĀ“t have time to pull the trigger anyway.

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Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 04:02 am
saab wrote:
David you are living in a dream world.

Not only is that completely false, it is a bit hypocritical considering the falsehood you posted about police officers here.

saab wrote:
Policemen are trained to first aime at a person and shoot in a leg or arm not to kill.

No they aren't. Stop making things up.

saab wrote:
You seem to wish something could happen so you can kill and prove you are right. What if it is the wrong person? What if it happens to be your neighbour out looking for his cat in the middle of the night in your garden?

What if a meteor strikes the earth tomorrow?


No one ever said nothing can ever go wrong with self defense.

saab wrote:
If you are attacked from behind how will you shoot, how will you shoot if a person is using your wife or someone else dear to you as a shield? What if you are attacked standing in the shower? Do you carry a gun in the shower?

What if you are attacked from the front, and you are ready, having already identified the perpetrator as someone who could be about to attack you?

What if you knew the person was coming to kill you, and you are behind a barricade pointing a shotgun at them as they approach with a butcher knife?

What if they do shoot you first, but you keep your head and return fire, ending their attack before they fatally wound you?

As for attacks from behind, don't let anyone sneak up on you like that. That isn't rocket science.
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Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 04:04 am
CalamityJane wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Calamity jane suggested banning all guns, and even amending the constitution of the united states to do so.

It's not a strawman when people are actually using that as the basis of their argument.

Oy, read carefully maporsche, I spoke of amending the 2nd amendment, yes,
and the prohibition of certain firearms - not banning all guns!

What is it with you gun proponents? There seems to be absolutely no middle
ground here.

There can never be middle ground when someone is trying to take our freedom away.
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Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 04:34 am
parados wrote:
BillRM wrote:
How about a nice bomb that I could place under your seat and then walk away in a movie theater.

A bomb that can be created out of material that can be found in any home.

Sorry but we all have the ability to kill each other if we wish to and firearms are only one of many threat models.

Bombs made out of material found in the home require that the person
1. have enough knowledge to make one (It requires a lot more than buying and loading a gun.)
2. takes the time to make it.
3. Doesn't blow himself up in the process

It's kind of hard to compare the two Bill unless.... Here's a suggestion. People can carry a gun that they build themselves out of materials found in their home and ONLY that kind of gun. How about that?

Pipe bombs can be made very easily. And unless the bombmaker is stupid, they can be made relatively safely.

I was about to explain just how easily they could be made, but I sort of had an image of some clown building bombs matching my description, and a slew of FBI agents riffling my house.

I don't think they'd find anything illegal, but I think I'd like to forgo the experience of having all my stuff messed up.
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 05:12 am
parados wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
I believe it would be preferable if no individual was in a position to instigate such a shooting spree in the first place.

And how would you do that, especially since someone with a modicum of knowledge and access to a machine shop can produce a firearm in only a few hours.

Are you going to ban all machine shops?

No need to ban machine shops. If you want to go that way, what do you think the odds are of someone being able to make a fully automatic weapon that holds 20 0r more rounds and will have no problems in extended use in just a few hours? Without a full CNC shop and the completed CNC drawings, I suggest no one would be able to do it in just a "few hours."

How about something like the British Sten gun?


I don't know if it would meet the reliability requirement of your hypothetical, but it could be easily made and could do a lot of damage.

You might need to make an effort to get the pattern for the design. But I don't think that would be an impossible task, if someone really were devoted to such a project.

Also, if someone is bent on the illicit manufacture of guns, there is no need for something as complicated as a full-auto weapon. The equivalent of a sawed-off double-barrel shotgun could be made very easily in a crude shop, and so could the ammo for it.
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Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 05:15 am
Knowledge of bomb building can be found on the internet in a million places it does not take great intellect or time or whatever to build a bomb.

Hell for more interesting bombs there are even books written by former bomb defusing experts that can be found with a short visit to your library.

Anyone who can read can build bombs from small black power pipe bombs to bombs that can take down large buildings.

As far as tracking someone back for posting such information good luck unless the person is a fool.

See in search engines the subject of the tor networks to start with.

On building guns at home I think you would be both surprise and very unhappy with the results as guns are not hard to build that would be very deadly at close range.

A small many barrel shotgun like weapon come to mind and small guns fit ed into fashlights and other non-weapon looking devices.

Anyone with a little workshop in his home could build anything up to a sten sub machine gun.
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