Quote:everything doesn't have to have a meaning to be enjoyed and experienced.
Name something that is enjoyed and experienced that is without meaning.
Quote:Why do we need to find meaning in everything?
You really cannot be that clueless about life.
That is what human beings do.
Quote:The First Book of Bokonon
Verses 2-4 : In the beginning, God created the earth, and he looked upon it in His cosmic loneliness.
“And God said, "Let Us make living creatures out of mud, so the mud can see what We have done." And God created every living creature that now moveth, and one was man. Mud as man alone could speak. God leaned close as mud as man sat up, looked around, and spoke. Man blinked. "What is the purpose of all this?" he asked politely.
"Everything must have a purpose?" asked God.
"Certainly," said man.
"Then I leave it to you to think of one for all this," said God.
And He went away”
Even in literature, from an eccentric as weird as Vonnegut knew this.
Quote:If the only way I could find meaning in my life, or learn life lessons, was through sports, I would be the unhappiest of humans.
btw thank you very much for the laugh.........
Such a remark coming from one who projects herself in her posts as the most bitter and unhappy person on site your remark stands both as the apex of humor and a prototypical example of a person who exhibits a complete lack of self-awareness.
You don’t need course in yoga, lady; you need a psychiatrist. Between every line in your posts here you exhibit unremitting anger, and twisting your body into the shape of a pretzel via yoga is not going to help with a twisted personality. Seriously, you ought to talk to your physician about your anger issues.……. And do Tai Chi, it is more fun.
Chai, nobody on this thread has tried to convince you to “enjoy” sports. On the contrary some of us, including me, have agreed with many of the things that repel you about sports. Yet your remarks make it abundantly clear to observant people that you are looking at the issue in a superficial and shallow manner. I understand that you don’t care about the issue but you refuse, by habit or inclination to ignore and reject the descriptions presented by your fellow posters of the value and benefit that participation in athletics produce in individuals for personal growth.
That you dismiss them with a yawn and wave of your hand is just subjective ignorance. So, stop digging a hole of shear sciolism with your remarks. I beseech, a la Cromwell, to accept that you are incorrect and that you accept that that you don’t know what you are talking about. It just makes you look bad.
btw: Yes, I am a hero. Each of us is the hero, of our own life. When you realize that you won't be so unhappy with your life.
Read this to begin your hero's journey, and maybe along the way you will become happy with yourself.