Welcome Sports Haters!

Reply Sat 6 Feb, 2010 11:01 am
spendius wrote:
I attended Ronald Reagan' s Inaugural Ball in January.

If I was to speculate on that I might say that from the moment of receiving the invitation, before which the fond and usually forlorn hopes, up to the patting down at the gig entrance, your mind was preoccupied with the thought that you were going to Ronald Reagan' s Inaugural Ball because it proved you were approved of by the vetting staff unlike us scumbags who didn't get an invitation. During the ball the same sort of considerations would have applied as you tugged on the hem of power as it whisked by with its hoped for favours.

The form may have changed since the days of the eastern potentates but the substance is still the same.
The radiance from the sun of power has a magical influence
on those on whom it shines. A profoundly religious effect.
[After we won the election for Governor of NY in 1994,
we continued working in the office in December.
A Christmas tree was set up, in due course.
Someone got the idea to put a picture of the Governor
on the pinnacle of the tree; it became a Pataki tree.]

And again, I might suggest, that since the great day you have laid in ambush in your social intercourse for the cue to inform those you are in conversation with that you attended Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Ball so they can be informed what scumbags they are without you having to baldly blurt it out.

One supposes one is supposed to be grateful to be in cyber conversation
with someone who attended Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Ball
and I assuredly am. In fact I am grateful to be allowed to express my gratitude.
[U r most welcome, Spendius. If u kneel, I will CONSIDER cyber knighting u.]

Are you the same person now Dave that you were in 1981 when you were an extra in a TV video-bite show. And one who could be counted on to not behave as some of the guests likely did in the 1881 Inaugural Ball which took place, as you probably know, before TV video-bites were invented and before we men were rounded up, stabled and set to our tasks in the service of the great Lady whose symbolic representation in stone stands on Ellis Island to welcome the world's lost to the Hudson River mouth. A gift from France.
It surprizes me that u choose to take it personally,
altho I have seen that happen b4 (tho very seldom).
It struck me as odd -- blew my mind a little-- some years ago,
when someone I know, in a spirit of amusement, was throwing up
coins that fell in the grass for children at a convention in a summer resort:
antique dimes, quarters, Morgan silver $$ from the 1800s and $10 Gold pieces.

I heard a guy, middled aged stranger to the proceedings,
among the observers thereof, say: "he 's doing it to make me look bad."
That guy was not even remotely involved,
by any stretch of the imagination, nor had he ever been,
but he believed that he was made to look bad among the crowd
by not doing likewise with coins of his own.

At the Inaugural Ball, NO ONE accused Spendius of being a scumbag,
nor was that question addressed to the President.

I also attended the Inauguration of Richard Nixon in January of 1969,
at which every attender SIMULTANEOUSLY did not accuse Spendius
of being a scumbag.

I attended each of those Inaugurations, in a spirit of the rejection
of liberalism and celebrating that fact.
(U also get to see friends who u have not seen for years; its fun.)
However, I was not present at the Crowning of your Queen,
so u r ahead of me there, Spendius.
0 Replies
I Like 1981
Reply Sat 6 Feb, 2010 04:09 pm
Nice to c u, 1981.
That was a good year. I attended Ronald Reagan' s Inaugural Ball in January.

Right you are, Dave. 1981 was a great year.
January 1981, though, was a couple of months before my time.
You went to the Inaugural Ball of the President? Are you a politician? Are you close friends with politicians? That is interesting. Tell us more. How was the food? Did you actually get to speak to the President? What was the wine like?
I am impressed. Although it does not take much to impress me.
Regarding snsbsns or whatever he was called, I never believed him. The letters BS next to each other should have keyed me off from the start but it was the condescending yet abusive tone and then the claim to be a psychologist that convinced me this was another sports bore liar.
Our site's been receiving a lot of idiotic visitors recently. And I do mean it, these people are utter morons of the first degree. An insult which I simply cannot extend to Cycloptichorn or anyone on here... these people are not sports fans, but cyberterrorists. This site obviously seems to attract the intellectuals, as I have seen on this thread. The sports fans you do have do not at all fit the jock stereotype which I have seen confirmed several times on the sports suck website.
Although what I have seen recently is the act of more than disagreement or petty arguing, but REAL threats to people's lives. I too have been on the receiving end of some of this abuse, but not the worst of it. I shall say no more.
Anyways, must be going now.

Best regards,
Reply Sat 6 Feb, 2010 05:56 pm
@I Like 1981,
David wrote:
Nice to c u, 1981.
That was a good year. I attended Ronald Reagan' s Inaugural Ball in January.
I Like 1981 wrote:
Right you are, Dave. 1981 was a great year.
January 1981, though, was a couple of months before my time.
You went to the Inaugural Ball of the President?
Yes. I 'd already attended the Inauguration of Richard Nixon in 1969.
I worked hard for both Nixon and Reagan.

I Like 1981 wrote:
Are you a politician?
Tho I have held public office, I 'm now retired.

I Like 1981 wrote:
Are you close friends with politicians?
not close friends

I Like 1981 wrote:
That is interesting. Tell us more. How was the food?
There were hors d'oeuvres; it was not a dinner.
Music n dancing; speeches. It was a time of emotional exultation in triumph, in black tie.

I Like 1981 wrote:
Did you actually get to speak to the President?
not on that occasion

I Like 1981 wrote:
What was the wine like?
OK; there was an open bar; champaign, of course.

I Like 1981 wrote:
I am impressed. Although it does not take much to impress me.
Regarding snsbsns or whatever he was called, I never believed him. The letters BS next to each other should have keyed me off from the start but it was the condescending yet abusive tone and then the claim to be a psychologist that convinced me this was another sports bore liar.
Our site's been receiving a lot of idiotic visitors recently. And I do mean it, these people are utter morons of the first degree. An insult which I simply cannot extend to Cycloptichorn or anyone on here... these people are not sports fans, but cyberterrorists. This site obviously seems to attract the intellectuals, as I have seen on this thread. The sports fans you do have do not at all fit the jock stereotype which I have seen confirmed several times on the sports suck website.
Although what I have seen recently is the act of more than disagreement or petty arguing, but REAL threats to people's lives.
I too have been on the receiving end of some of this abuse, but not the worst of it. I shall say no more.
Anyways, must be going now.

Best regards,
U might consider complaining to the police of the murder threats.

Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 07:24 am
I Like 1981 wrote:
Did you actually get to speak to the President? not on that occasion.

That looks like an evasion to me.
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 08:57 am
spendius wrote:
I Like 1981 wrote:
Did you actually get to speak to the President? not on that occasion.

That looks like an evasion to me.
I did not evade Ronald Reagan.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 12:37 pm
super bowl today...god Ihate it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 12:41 pm
At our house there having a Superbowl party for the church youth group. We are getting a hotel room and not coming out till it's over.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 12:49 pm
Plenty of fun to be had at my place, good food, good times

I Like 1981
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 01:53 pm
Welcome back Cyclops. Are you going to call me ******* pathetic again because I am not having a Super Bowl party? Sorry, just a joke. I couldn't help myself.

Well Dave thanks for recounting your memory of 1981. It meant a lot to me. I would understand if your nerves were too great to actually meet President Reagan himself; heck, you could have been on TV nationwide which may be too daunting for some. I wouldn't shake hands with our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, but that may be explained by the fact he's a useless moron who has plunged this country into an economic slump which it will take years to come out of! I never did care much for politics. You never hear anything good coming out of it; always the bad, always the bad. That's all the country's newspapers care about. They feed off of misfortune!

No I shall not go to the police about the threats. I have not been the person receiving these; I've just had insulting threads made about me and my web and email addresses put up for everyone to troll. I've been subscribed to several sports newsletters all of which are going to my Junk folder. You see, my email is set so that only emails from senders I have confirmed to be safe will go to my actual inbox. Everything else is counted as junk and sent there. Once in a while I will need to visit my junk folder and check for any email I could actually do with, then mark it as safe, so the email will be sent to my actual inbox and the sender marked as safe.

But recently, the barrage of abuse hitting our site has died out. I'm sure this is related to the Super Bowl tonight in some way, and the fact the board admins have disabled registration so new members can't sign up. This does stop the trolls getting in and flooding the boards with crap but what if a decent person wants to sign up and talk with us! Sadly, we don't get many of them over at our place.

Best regards,
Reply Sun 7 Feb, 2010 02:22 pm
@I Like 1981,
Yes, its very important to ofen check your spam filter.
I 've found email from good friends trapped in there.
My spam filter has even trapped confirmatory email that I 've send to myself in cc, or in bcc.

Congratulations on stopping the abusers from
getting onto your website.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Feb, 2010 12:48 pm
If I had known that the post I previously copied and pasted for this thread had been submitted by an opportunistic cyberbully, I wouldn't have done it. I would have just ignored it. There is a great difference between true believers and opportunists. The cyberbully's comments were not sincere, and were only intended to provoke an angry reaction or cause emotional pain to those who are insecure or vulnerable. I'm sure they don't represent the views of the majority of sports fans.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Feb, 2010 01:04 pm
Greetings. We have good times at our home, too. (Well, both of our daughters recently left the nest; but we receive frequent cell-phone calls every day.)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Feb, 2010 05:16 pm
I wish I could delete the second two sentences in my reply above. They sound dumb.
I Like 1981
Reply Tue 16 Feb, 2010 02:26 pm
I wish I could delete the second two sentences in my reply above. They sound dumb.

I don't see how that is so.

Best regards,
Reply Tue 16 Feb, 2010 06:21 pm
@I Like 1981,
Thanks, i_like_1981. Still, I'm not sure I should have said anything to Cycloptichorn's latest reply. I mean, what would have been the point? Was he speaking to anyone in particular? He did not indicate if he was trying to make a point, and I certainly have no idea if he was being friendly or not. Perhaps he was just chatting.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 01:54 am
I just noticed the "Mental Imbalances" tag that was reserved for little ol' me. Why, thank you, Cycloptichorn! I noticed that this tag wasn't as insulting as some of the others. Since you probably think I'm one of the biggest jerks you ever met (and I can understand why you would), I expected far worse from you. If we only could've met under different circumstances (in real life, as opposed to the Internet), we probably would have gotten along. Believe me, I am grateful that you at least don't think I'm evil. I don't think you're evil either. You know what they say: Beggars can't be choosers. :-)
Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 10:44 am
wmwcjr wrote:
I just noticed the "Mental Imbalances" tag that was reserved for little ol' me. Why, thank you, Cycloptichorn! I noticed that this tag wasn't as insulting as some of the others. Since you probably think I'm one of the biggest jerks you ever met (and I can understand why you would), I expected far worse from you. If we only could've met under different circumstances (in real life, as opposed to the Internet), we probably would have gotten along. Believe me, I am grateful that you at least don't think I'm evil. I don't think you're evil either. You know what they say: Beggars can't be choosers. :-)
Bill, u r probably the nicest, most superpolite, sweetest gentleman who posts on this forum.

I don 't see a problem with stomping on Cyclo, but maybe that 's just me.

Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 10:47 am
wmwcjr wrote:

I just noticed the "Mental Imbalances" tag that was reserved for little ol' me. Why, thank you, Cycloptichorn! I noticed that this tag wasn't as insulting as some of the others. Since you probably think I'm one of the biggest jerks you ever met (and I can understand why you would), I expected far worse from you. If we only could've met under different circumstances (in real life, as opposed to the Internet), we probably would have gotten along. Believe me, I am grateful that you at least don't think I'm evil. I don't think you're evil either. You know what they say: Beggars can't be choosers. :-)

Who told you that tag was reserved for you?

I'm just wondering what data you used to reach this conclusion.

Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 12:40 pm
I haven’t lost my temper again, and I am trying to be civil. I checked your list of tagged topics just out of curiosity. I figured that since we had had an angry, protracted exchange, you would have a low opinion of me. When I clicked on “Mental Imbalances” and the page entitled “Cycloptichorn - My Tagged Topics - mental imbalances” appeared, I saw “Welcome Sports Haters” listed. My most recent reply happened to be the last post in the topic. So, I assumed that this particular post of mine was being referred to as an example of mental imbalance. I now realize that I made an assumption that may have been wrong. You could have been referring to several of those who had posted. Hey, “Mental Imbalances” is much to be preferred to “Bigots” or “Small Penis.” It’s no big deal.

I have to admit that perhaps I do suffer from a mental imbalance to a slight degree. For over two years I’ve been suffering from a sleeping disorder caused, in part, by sleep apnea. Sometimes I experience mood swings. Plus, I have a “hot button” issue or two.
Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 12:55 pm
What r the hot button issues ?

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