Wed 11 Feb, 2009 06:38 am
I received a strange facebook message, from a friend of a friend.
She was describing her lifelong anger issues and how it got her canned from her L.A. Wal-Mart. She'll be 20 in March and had been working in electronics for a year and a half. Her dept mgr reminded her to put away DVD returns the night before. However, she aleady got everything done. The returns accumulated AFTER her shift ended. She got so pissed, she cursed out her supervisor and grabbed ketchup from nearby grocery dept and sprayed her dept mgr with it, causing that 45 y/o woman to slip. A customer and her dept mgr told on her and she got canned for workplace violence and harassment. Therefore, she had injustice done to her twice at work.
She was very productive and didn't have problem at work b4. Furthermore, her folks are in NY and she only went to L.A. to go to school, where she got kicked out for CONSTANT anger problems. Now she had to blog this from her library bc she couldn't afford electricity. Also, she's in the process of moving to a shelter bc she's about to become evicted. She got denied unemployment cuz she got canned for gross misconduct. Her parents won't take her back bc they were totally pissed with her.
How did she deserve to go through such hard times just bc of one little mistake at work? Why is the world so cruel? Furthermore, she has difficulty finding another job. How is this fair? Furthermore, she's in a big city but she's got NO ONE on her side. Must be tough to go through so much so young.
That isnt a little mistake.
That was a form of abuse.
If the boss had done that to HER, she could have sued . Adults dont behave that way.
She is what.. 20? She has a lot to learn.
And if she is not reasonable enough, responsible enough or with it enough to look around and notice the ramifications of her actions then she will be homeless and jobless for a while.
There comes a point when people start to take responsibility for their actions and stop trying to point the finger at everyone else in an effort to pass of the buck and blame. When that happens, ( taking responsibility) behavior changes.
Once she sees that having no job is entirely her fault, maybe then she will be able to keep a job by NOT being abusive to co-workers.
When you are at a job, you have a job to do. Getting pissy and irresponsible because someone asks you to do something - at your job- is immature and entirely a personal choice.
Hopefully she wakes up soon.
This is not a case of 'oh poor her' this is a case of " that chick needs to wake the **** up"
That is excatly what she is guilty of and if she were my employee she would be out the door. She was a danger to others. Good thing she didn't work in the gun department. I would never hire a woman who thought such actions were an appropriate response to a dispute with a superior. I'm no fan of WalMart, but they are correct in trying to keep their work force clear of people who might "go postal".
@Green Witch,
her family could at least take her back like mine did. she doesn't need to be homeless since lots of other ppl who lose their job aren't. that's why it's poor her.
I think there is more to that part of the story than we know. I suspect this is not the first anger issue this woman had and her family might even be afraid of her.
@Green Witch,
my thoughts exactly, verbal abuse is one thing but physical assaults are quite another, what if the woman she had sprayed with ketchup had cracked her head and died when she slipped, it happens, your friend could be looking at a manslaughter charge, hopefully she takes h this as a wake up call
Why do you insist on making it always someone elses fault?
That is not how a rational adult deals with things.
You don't like your job? Your boss? QUIT.
She is 20 years old. Tell her to get a place of her own and start growing up.
she's a friend of a friend. i hardly ever saw her in person, but i do have some empathy. besides, 45 is a bit too young to slip on a ketchupp and DIE.
Bella Dea, she loved her job. Her badge and discount card was her pride b4 she had them cruelly taken away. Don't just jump to conclusions just bc she did something bad.
Jump to conclusions? If you love your job you don't squirt ketchup on your boss to make her slip and fall. And you can be 4 and slip and die. what does age have to do with a head injury and bleeding in your brain?
Again, an adult does not act that way. She needs to grow up or life will be very hard for her.
No sympathy. At all. What she did is unexcusable in the workplace.
She did more than just "something bad." She did something so incredibly stupid, the mind reels at the thought. If you think that this is acceptable behavior for a 20-year old woman, if you think that a total lack of control over one's emotions is excusable, you have larger problems than you realize. Whether or not her family should give her support is a separate issue. As others have already suggested, her family may well be terrified of someone who is apt to act like that.
@Merry Andrew,
I don't think that's acceptable behavior, but I DO think that everyone deserves a second chance. idk, but maybe my own experiences with failures led me to be more understanding of others in similiar situations.
You are identifying with the wrong people. You have to start to relate to the real victims in these cases - and it is not the person who lashed out in anger.
then you should understand that SHE as an employee is a failure and a liability for the company.
if you had real life experiences like you say you do, you would see the responsibility issues here and not the bleeding heart over dramatic stuff.
Why don't you take her in?
because i can't, although i want to, but i'm in MO.
Are you high? Do you think it is ok to assault another person? Because this is what this employee did. Doesn’t matter whether she is a good worker or never done this before. If you shoot someone and kill them do you think you should get off because you never did this before?
In my opinion this “woman” is lucky she wasn’t charged with assault and got off easy by being fired.
Yup. This stupid young person got a huge break if the coworker she assaulted did not file formal charges against her.
Anger/resentment/frustration/even rage are all normal human emotions and none of us can really control what we feel. Hitting and striking or acting out to vent such emotions, however, are a choice and grownups exercise that choice responsibly every day which means they do not inappropriately act out their feelings.
A 20-year-old is a legal adult and certainly capable of making adult choices. Assaulting a co-worker is not something a grown up does and not something that is tolerable in any way. Sympathy for such a person is the most destructive thing a friend can offer her.
Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing, Phoenix. A little surprised that store security didn't call the cops. Maybe they
did have some compassion for the hapless twit.