dirrtydozen22 wrote:
tnx God I only punched the pole at the fitting room and banged my head into it, even if it's in front of customers lol. (yes i DID bang my head into it. Just too embarassed to admit it b4.) At least I didn't physically assault anyone, something I would NEVER do no matter what. That's just disturbing. tnx God we're both not in the slammers or the loony bin cuz that be very possible then. some state law crap about indecent public behavior.
one time when i used to work 60-80 hour work weeks, i got home to hang out with ym two friends who were addicted to cocke, one, and the other was addicted to speedballs, sniffing coke and heroine at the same time. anyway they both are sober YAY i got my friends backlikw 6 months ago.
but anyway, it was 4 days until they got paid (aka score drugs) and they were in horrible moods, throwing up etc..
i just wanted to sleep, or even just relax and the were like nag nag nag nag BITCH WHINE COMPLAIN BITCH nag nag. i was so tired and my mind was so dull from my form of work which was sit in camera room for 9 hours a night or more if anyone called in.
and i got up and headbutted the wall so hard it went through to the other side.
i was like damn. that would suck if i hit the stud.
roflmfao. this is fun sharing anger stories. YAY.