We'll do it the way we have to at the Sheltered Workshop, for the slow ones.
1. George W Bush evades the draft with a slot in the Alabama Air Guard. All 'W' has to do is show up regularly to stay in combat readiness if he was called to active duty
'in the event of a national emergency'. Do you notice that - national emergency?
Not to serve in 'Nam. Considering that the North Vietnamese Airforce wasn't going to ever attack Alabama, that wasn't a real issue.
2. George W Bush can't even do that, it's not like he misses some flight training - he just plain doesn't show up:
Quote:In a document dated May 2, 1973, Bush's immediate superiors gave him his annual performance review for the period from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973. The review stated that "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of the report."
3. This is 'being AWOL'. In the time of war, this type of dereliction of duty is a bit more serious. Technically, it is desertion. Sure, he didn't fly his plane to Hanoi and surrender to the NVA. But, he most definitely did not perform the service he agreed to instead of being drafted and serving alongside people like John Kerry or Colin Powell.
His father, a decorated war-hero, has never spoken publically about this, but it is no secret that the two of them can't stand each other. This rift, maybe more than anything, made 'W' throw in his lot with Rummie and Co to 'show up that ol' bastard'. I guess....