Whining??? You mean like talking about the increasingly obvious fact that Barack Oinkbama is not legally qualified to be in the whitehouse? Talking about the baggage problem (Jeremiah Wright, Ayers, Soros etc. etc. etc.)??
What gets to me is that what some might call "whining" the demoKKKrats would call politics by drumbeat and is standard policy for them.
For the entire eight years of W's two presidencies and particularly for the eight months or so prior to the 04 election I could open any copy of any magazine in any dentist or doctor's office, turn on any sort of a news program, open any copy of the NY Slimes or Washington Compost or whatever, and all I ever saw was:
"Oh, GOD, that George W. Bush is a FOOL, and we're all gonna DIE on account of what a FOOL that George W. Bush is. Not only that, but he's a war criminal too on account of how bad he treats terrorists..."
Terrorists are basically the same category of things as spies or undercover agents and the laws dealing with how such are treated have been the same for every nation on Earth for all of recorded history until now: you get any information you can out of them, and then you kill them.
The good news is that those shitbirds are now likely to get xferred out of their little country club thing at gitmo and put into real prisons like Rahway NJ.