Foofie wrote:
Montana wrote:
I'm just curious to know how many Bush supporters there still are out there. Feel free to stop in and let us know who you are.
<I do mean President Bush>
That is so nice that you are "curious." Perhaps, it is not really any of your business, in some people's minds?
This question reminds me how parents might excuse their child asking people inappropriate questions by pointing out, "He/she is just so inquisitive."
Oftentimes the child is just nosy.
Now, if you would be more forthcoming and say why you are so curious/inquistive, you might get a better response?
Yes, some (not all) people would feel it's none of my business and those can feel free to mind their business elsewhere.
Some people find it rude when someone goes into a thread to insult the auther for asking a simple question.
The question asks for a simple response, which a simple yes or no would work, so I wasn't looking for anything long winded.
Some would also consider it childish for someone to enter a thread to pick on a poster simply because that person doesn't see eye to eye with them. Don't you hate it when people do that? Yeah, me too.