@old europe,
old europe wrote:oralloy wrote:However, when Michigan broke the rules, the DNC not only penalized us, but they went far beyond the normal penalty (50% of the delegates) and took away all our delegates.
Ah? I thought the DNC not only seated all of the Michigan delegates, but also
restored their full convention voting rights?
But the delegates were not apportioned according to the result of the election.
old europe wrote:oralloy wrote: Obama decided to favor those partisans and spit in the face of Michigan voters, and he took his name off the ballot. One main consequence of this was that he received no votes in the Michigan primary.
That's tough luck for Obama, but how did this disenfrenchise you? You would have been able to write in Obama, right?
No one was allowed to write in Obama.
It might have been tough luck for Obama had he been willing to accept getting no delegates, but he instead decided to just take delegates that did not belong to him.
It disenfranchised me by ignoring the results of the election, and awarding Obama delegates he didn't earn from the voters.
old europe wrote:oralloy wrote:In the end, Obama let have Hillary have a bit more than 50% of the delegates, but he still refused to let the delegates be apportioned according to the will of the voters, and he took a bunch of delegates that he was never awarded (including some delegates that the voters apportioned to Hillary).
The split was 69 - 59 pledged delegates for Clinton.
Which is not what the voters said.
old europe wrote:Both Clinton and Obama accepted that proposal by the Michigan Democratic Party.
Clinton didn't. She fought to have the will of the voters respected.
old europe wrote:In the primary, Clinton won against "Uncommitted" 55-40%. According to exit polls, however, 46% of voters in Michigan would have voted for Clinton, 35% for Obama, 12% for Edwards and 3% other if all names had been on the ballot.
Doesn't matter what the exit polls say might have been if Obama had enough respect for Michigan to put his name on the ballot.
What matters is how people voted.
old europe wrote:How many delegates have, in your opinion, been illegitimately been taken by Obama?
All 59.
The result of the election was 73 delegates for Clinton, and 55 uncommitted delegates.
If Obama didn't like those results, the solution was to not take his name off the ballot, not to steal delegates that the voters didn't award to him.