Thu 5 Mar, 2009 06:27 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

okie wrote:

Baloney George, Israel would be under seige now, regardless of all of that.

And your evidence in support of that rather remarkable proposition is.....?

Years of propaganda and indoctrination portraying Israel as the Continual Victim, of course.

Thu 5 Mar, 2009 07:22 pm
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:

"Incident" is a cute way of whitewashing a contemptible attack on a vessel flying the US flag in daylight on a clear day. Not to mention 10 (TEN repeat TEN) hours of broadcasts over the entire electromagnetic spectrum, much of it in the clear???

How's with "drop dead, Foofie, or, if you choose to live, live on somebody else's dime, not the US taxpayers" - thanks for reading Smile

If the word "incident" is not to your liking, what other noun should be used? I was not commenting on the attack. I do not believe the story Israel gave. I do think that the "medium is the message," as Marshall McLuhan said. So, I am still wondering what the message Israel was giving by that attack ? And why?

And, what is motivating your hostility in your last sentence? Are you making assumptions about my feelings regarding the attack? Just because I am pro-Israel, does not mean I thought the attack was justified. Being pro-Israel does not mean being anti-American, in my opinion.

0 Replies
Thu 5 Mar, 2009 07:31 pm
@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:

How's with "drop dead, Foofie, or, if you choose to live, live on somebody else's dime, not the US taxpayers" - thanks for reading Smile

I do not understand your inference that I am living on the "dime of the US taxpayers"? I am an American citizen, born where you are located, according to your profile.
0 Replies
Thu 5 Mar, 2009 07:32 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Advocate wrote:

Actually it was Foofie who brought this up -- not me or High Seas.

Mea culpa. Mea culpa.
0 Replies
Thu 5 Mar, 2009 10:37 pm
The alleged victims are always the poor, put upon, Pals. Why should they be criticized and fought just because they continually bomb and shell innocent people? Don't even mention the way they have treated Christians, women, homosexuals, et al. When you get to know them, they are very nice.
Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:03 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

okie wrote:

Baloney George, Israel would be under seige now, regardless of all of that.

And your evidence in support of that rather remarkable proposition is.....?

Whats remarkable about that? I think your assertion was the remarkable one. And you have no evidence, only speculation based upon hope, not history.
Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:18 pm
Advocate wrote:

The alleged victims are always the poor, put upon, Pals. Why should they be criticized and fought just because they continually bomb and shell innocent people? Don't even mention the way they have treated Christians, women, homosexuals, et al. When you get to know them, they are very nice.

Yes, I'd say the word 'poor' is an extremely good descriptor for the Palestinians.

Israel is responsible for the deaths of more Palestinians than the other way around. Of course, not every Jew is responsible for this. Yet you hold every Palestinian responsible for their end of things.

Look, you do realize that you're not exactly neutral about this situation?

0 Replies
Thu 5 Mar, 2009 11:51 pm
okie wrote:

Whats remarkable about that? I think your assertion was the remarkable one. And you have no evidence, only speculation based upon hope, not history.

On the contrary, history confirms my expectations, and most certainly not yours.

The problem in Northern Ireland was entirely analogous with that in Palestine, with the Catholic (Irish) population of Northern Ireland analogous to the Palestinians; the Orange Protestant population (Scottish English & Dutch) analogous to the Israelis and the UK government analogous to the United States. The problem started in about 1640 when the so-called "Ulster Plantation" took place -- a systematic eviction of the Irish from the lands controlled by the O'Neills who had been in a long rebellion against the British, and their replacement by Scottish and English Protestants and absentee English Noble landowners. Later with the ascent of William & Mary a number of their Dutch soldiers were settled there as well. The Irish natives either starved or were reduced to servitude in a land that had once been theirs. The Protestant population took on a sort of seige mentality, believing they were surrounded by a hostile primative population of sub humans who needed to be kept in permanent subjugation. The hostility and oppression they induced yielded a conflict that lasted for over 300 years. The conflict ended only when the sponsoring state (The UK) found it no longer had a strategic interest in the continuation of an exclusively Protestant state in Northern Ireland, and in addition had become thoroughly embarrassed at the ghastly behavior of their bullying client state in Northern Ireland. In addition the terrorism of the IRA (think of Hamas) forced the British and their Protestant clients into ever more brutal suppression of the Irish population - suppression which in turn cost them the sympathy of the rest of the modern world. Demographics also played a part - the Irish had a higher birth rate and by 1970 they outnumbered the alien Protestant population which controlled the government. In the end the British withdrew their support for the Protestant state in Northern Ireland and it soon collapsed.

The conflict in Palestine is now about 60 years old, and the Palestinian population in the region is about equal to that of Israeli Jews, though the Palestinians have a much higher birth rate. Moreover, now that the Russian source is exhausted, there are no more sources of subsidized Jewish immigration from other countries. Jews will become an ever shrinking minority in the region. Israel has become a pariah state in the modern world. The United States is her only ally. Only our veto stands in the way of unambiguous UN condemnation of Israeli policy and actions. The strategic cost of our support for Israel is growing rapidly and there is no longer (if there ever was) any compensatory strategic benefit to us. American public opinion is steadily turning against Israel. A well-organized and financed Israeli lobby in this country has so far been very successful in influencing favorable government action by the United States. However, they are losing ground and increasingly on the defensive.

You can extrapolate the rest for yourself.
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 12:11 am
George, to compare Northern Ireland to Palestine is a real stretch to begin with. And this problem goes back far longer than 60 years. Beyond that, regardless of whatever actions Israel takes, it boils down to one thing, they either survive or they don't, thats it. Anything less than total elimination will not bring peace from their opposition.

I don't know how you figure out in your mind whether a nation should exist, George? If you don't particularly like 2009, then at what point do you decide to roll the tape back to, 1950, 1800, 200 AD, 2000 BC? Heck, we don't belong here either if you want to roll things back a few hundred years. But then, neither do the Navajos, they drove out the Ancestral Puebloans of the Southwest. And those people apparently supplanted the previous cultures that were here when they came up here from South America. Actually I guess nobody owns anywhere in the world, do they? If you tried to unravel all of this everywhere in the world, I wish you luck. I think I prefer to leave Israel right where they are at. And then suggest to the Palestinians to do something productive for themselves, for a change. And it would help to elect leadership that could tell the truth, and quit shooting rockets, digging tunnels, and all the other crap they spend their time doing. I wish I could believe a separate Palestinian State would solve the problem, but I don't. Not as long as Israel exists, their enemies will not be satisfied.
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 12:36 am
okie wrote:

...I wish I could believe a separate Palestinian State would solve the problem, but I don't. Not as long as Israel exists, their enemies will not be satisfied.

Then evidently you accept my prognosis. Unless they can find a way to exterminate the Palestinians, Israel - as we know it today - is doomed.

I happen to agree that a successful two-state solution probably cannot be found. The only feasible hope is for the creation of a single state that can embrace the identities and aspirations of both populations. That, of course will require that the single-minded zealots on both sides abandon their unrealistic aspirations. History suggests that will happen only when they give up hope. That, by the way, is just what is beginning to happen in Northern Ireland - however it took 300 years..
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 12:42 am
So what is Israel supposed to do, just give it all up, declare an end to their country, pull up stakes, and go where?
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 12:53 am
okie wrote:

So what is Israel supposed to do, just give it all up, declare an end to their country, pull up stakes, and go where?

That was the excuse the Protestants of Northern Ireland, who ran the Stormont government there, used for a couple of centuries. Later when they lost all hope of continued domination they gave up. They are still there and doing fairly well - even though they no longer exclusively run the show - as I understand it. It turns out that Justice is less risky and costs less in the long run than injustice and oppression.
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 01:03 am
I still do not believe Israel and Palestine can be compared to Northern Ireland.
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 10:02 am
There is no comparison between Israel and N. Ireland. Israel is a completely independent country, which has citizens, all fully integrated, of all colors and religions. It has the right, as all other countries have, to have secure borders and an immigration policy of its own chosing. Moreover, it has the right to defend itself against those who invade, rocket, and shell the country. It is as simple as that. Regarding the occupied WB, the Pals caused that by their incessant attacks on Israel.
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 10:10 am
This is very possibly the only issue, or almost the only one, that I agree with you almost 100%. One reason I still hold out hope for you to escape the clutches of extremist leftie ideas.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 11:23 am
georgeob1 wrote:

okie wrote:

So what is Israel supposed to do, just give it all up, declare an end to their country, pull up stakes, and go where?

That was the excuse the Protestants of Northern Ireland, who ran the Stormont government there, used for a couple of centuries. Later when they lost all hope of continued domination they gave up. They are still there and doing fairly well - even though they no longer exclusively run the show - as I understand it. It turns out that Justice is less risky and costs less in the long run than injustice and oppression.

First, let me apologize for messing up the my post a little ways back where I wanted to say, "Mea culpa, mea culpa," in response/affirmation to what I brought up in the thread. It was formatted incorrectly, so it looked like another poster stated that.

Anyway, an analogy might also be of the sub-prime mortgages and the Palestineans. The U.S.A. seemed to believe that people who could not afford a house, based on historical standards of financing, should have a house. That evolved into the sub-prime financial mess. And, there seems to be a belief that the Palestineans who cannot afford to run a nation state should have a nation state. This analogy makes sense if we realize that Israel cannot be analogous to Britain in the Ireland/Britain analogy. I say this because Britain originally colonized Ireland, and Israel never, nor wanted to, colonize any lands that Palestineans thought of their own. Unlike Britain, they had nowhere else to go. History is full of people settling on land that indigenous people then lost. That is how we got Europeans, based on those Germanic tribes settling in Europe. And, let us not forget, the world (today the UN) never gave Britain its blessing to colonize Ireland. But the world (the UN) did give its blessing for Israel to exist as a Zionist state.

I do not see how one can compare the two scenes in history, since Israel has Arabs living in Israel as citizens. How did Britain treat its Irish peasant population?

To be perfectly candid, I wonder how much of the world-wide anti-Israel sentiment, and pro-Arab sentiment, is based on some primal fear, that in some future century, Israel, left to its own devices, could take over enough of the region to support a population (of Jews) of a few hundred million. In other words, is there a paranoia about how the world would be if there were many more Jews acting independently in their own country. I believe there are portions of the western world that would not be comfortable with that thought. And, Arabs have proven themselves to be less of a threat, in the eyes of many, I believe.

In other words, rather than say world-wide anti-Zionist rhetoric might include some anti-Semites, it may also include Judeophobia (Jews are okay, as long as they cannot become a threat by increasing in great numbers).

And to all a good night!
Steve 41oo
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 01:08 pm
Foofie wrote:
...Israel never, nor wanted to, colonize(d) any lands that Palestineans thought of their own...
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 01:15 pm
Advocate wrote:

There is no comparison between Israel and N. Ireland. Israel is a completely independent country, which has citizens, all fully integrated, of all colors and religions. It has the right, as all other countries have, to have secure borders and an immigration policy of its own chosing. Moreover, it has the right to defend itself against those who invade, rocket, and shell the country. It is as simple as that. Regarding the occupied WB, the Pals caused that by their incessant attacks on Israel.

Advocate lives in a comfortable and reassuring world in which facts are as he wishes them to be and enduring principals are merely those that suit his particular prejudices.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 01:19 pm
okie wrote:

I still do not believe Israel and Palestine can be compared to Northern Ireland.

Well I DID compare them and offered powerful analogies and a profound lesson from history.

You are merely asserting, without any proof or rational argument, that the comparison is somehow invalid and the lesson of history inapplicable in the case of Israel. OK by me if you wish to believe that. However, don't try to pretend you have offered any reasonable argument to support your case.
Fri 6 Mar, 2009 01:24 pm
Foofie wrote:

To be perfectly candid, I wonder how much of the world-wide anti-Israel sentiment, and pro-Arab sentiment, is based on some primal fear, that in some future century, Israel, left to its own devices, could take over enough of the region to support a population (of Jews) of a few hundred million. In other words, is there a paranoia about how the world would be if there were many more Jews acting independently in their own country. I believe there are portions of the western world that would not be comfortable with that thought. And, Arabs have proven themselves to be less of a threat, in the eyes of many, I believe.

In other words, rather than say world-wide anti-Zionist rhetoric might include some anti-Semites, it may also include Judeophobia (Jews are okay, as long as they cannot become a threat by increasing in great numbers).

Interesting. However, the Jews of Israel and those of the United States as well have shown no inclination to achieve such fertility. Indeed their behavior in this area has mimicked that of middle class and prosperous people all over the world. Absent any indication of rapidly rising Jewish population, your speculation about motives appears a bit ridiculous -- particularly in the face of the many real and serious problems the world faces as a result of the Israeli Palestinioan controversy.

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