To suggest I enjoy death, is an insult, and your comments about Bush is an insult. You are an insult to decency. I happened to participate in a war, so did my dad, and I have a close relative in Iraq at the present time. Perhaps you do not realize it, but you are mad at the wrong people, you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by the whacko left. Talk about babies, are you in favor or abortion, typically your ilk is. I would like to believe you in regard to being a peacemaker, but I think you are a phony, Montana.
Looking at this from the other side, I vigorously opposed Clinton, and believe he cared more about himself than he did the country, but hate him, no, I do not hate the man. What you say about your hatred toward Bush says more about you than it does Bush, and it isn't pretty. You are one despicable individual. Again, I do not hate you, but you need help.
Back to Israel, I am in favor of Hamas laying down its arms, and if the Palestinians truly wanted peace, they would not have elected Hamas. Anyone that would strap a bomb on their child is a nutcase, Montana, and most of the terrorist organizations are so sick that that is what they promote, they teach hatred to their children.