Friendly Freaks Group (UK)

Reply Fri 29 May, 2009 11:22 pm
Izzie - yeah - i see those faces. Not so much the small one but the others definitely. (The one on the side is really cool.)

A slightly more obvious one for me is between the front two - just a bit above. Two eyes, long green hair - female looking. An ancient face. Hope you can see her too Smile

Trees are really something, aren't they?

From here (when its light) i can see a knobbly old tree (an oak) which has been here a long time but is not very tall.
I sort of get the feeling it was tall once, but is now shrinking down in its old age. Like the ragged ghost of some old farmer.


I think it must be the old pagan influence that does it. Before the Romans, when ancient Britons were worshiping trees, there must have been a reason why they chose them as their gods.

Although i understand why people might say it is entirely a psychological phenomenon (and i'm open to any reality, knowing that no one's theory can as yet ever be proven) i do believe that we don't know everything by a long shot- and that we've lost our connection with nature. (As i was saying to edgar back along).

I read a comment the other day under an article entitled The Value of a Pale Blue Dot.

One of the comments underneath caught my eye. It went like this:

rebelnow wrote:

May 26th, 2009

When I was a kid I'd spend hours staring at the night sky, often with friends just relaxing, thinking, conversing. Eventually I learned nearly all the constellations, the locations of stars, tracked the visible planets, watched the moon phases. But most importantly I had many good, meaningful conversations in an relaxed atmosphere with people I loved.

Then color TV came to a friends house, and then our house, and all of a sudden Sunday nights were spent watching the Wonderful World of Disney. TV is a mind suck.

I don't have a tv. After a few years without, i have noticed changes in my way of seeing things. The patters i notice, coincidences, symbolism - all those have seemed more pronounced since i gave up tv.

I had a thread about symbolism where noddy spoke to me about this stuff a few times. I wish she was here. She always made me feel like i'm somehow within my rights to be a freak! Smile

Hey - sorry to ramble on..

anyway - speak to you later, izzie
take care
Reply Sat 30 May, 2009 01:49 am
Hey Endy

Been up since 4am......only a couple hours sleep - weary - beautiful time of day......... oh.....so so much to talk/thought about.... (safe here, safe to do that here - that's good)

yep - there are medieval faces - little fella and I thought one was a little scary - it seemed to be looking at us - smiling tho, not to fear, was a little wary of that one. Also a very large face consisting of the whole tree - with a stickyout nose. Mmmmmm.... so many patterns - obscure, spiritual.... we could see about 8...

Trees are magnificent, powerful... will try and post up the tree we saw at Burrator Reservoir a while back - that was the best tree, for me, in the world....

its funny (not haha funny) - that you should say how more pronounced the world is, near opened up since not having TV. When I joined here Jan1st2008 - I turned the TV off - very conscious decision - there would be no "outside sound" in my house - and only on a very rare moment would it get put back on " moreso recently, the last few months. I also was trying to find an inner peace - so I couldn't watch the news, read newspapers - see family / friends - physical and mental shutdown on the whole world around me - living in a cyber world. BUT - it's like my heart was then opened up to receive things I hadn't seen before - which sounds a little freaky. I started seeing things is such a different way - receiving the signals differently - I used my pics to talk - what I felt, I found hard to put into words - but I could take a pic that said it all, in my head, which transposed into the image.... does that make any sense..... maybe too tired to think straight right now...

Lived in a sad (as in sad cry) world for many years - gilded cage " silver spoon, no worries ya know - strangling the life out of me - then things had to change, the reactions to my BigBoy’s actions changed our lives beyond measure " if I hadn’t changed, the change would have been a greater loss (not at the time for me " that would have been simple, but for others it would have been dreadful. It would have been selfish of me). Noddy too played a huge part in my life " I can’t really describe that feeling " I don’t think I will ever be able to explain that. Tho, I have someone in my life who holds a strong dominion that gives me strength in my soul. I’m blessed really. Every word I say, I say it to that person. It gives me an equality in the world I never knew I could be gifted, leave alone receive.

I understand what stuck is... I'm still stuck - not in the same way as you are - I complicate my "stuck". I have to go to work - have to pick and fetch the little fella, have to go out for the necessary things - I have the shopping delivered - can't do supermarkets (too many people, some I may know), can't do food (that's an eating thing). I am braver with my little fella around me " I’m forced to be “unstuck”. There are times I cannot make myself leave the house " no matter how much I try " I can’t do it. Then, there are times I will say I am going to do it..... I say it out loud here on the thread " and that MAKES me do it. I can’t not do it. Like going to London " meeting A2Kers " going/doing " if I say it out loud, it forces me to do it.

Stuck Endy... can be simple or so so hard. Becoming unstuck can be harder and can be a scary place - not always, not simple. It's a fine line. Stuck can be safe. You need to be safe - living by your rules - not societies command to be "out there" in the world with a blase "step out the door there's nothing to worry about" "errrrrrr you just don't get it"... it's not about worrying what's out there, it's what you feel hitting your emotions when you get out there "it's not about them, it's about me, how i feel, how it makes me feel, do I want to feel that". Oh............. I'm blahing....... shutup and sleep woman.

Orientation is what it is. Choices can be made - sometimes making a choice can turn everything upside down - I was lucky - the choice I made to talk here - allows me stuck and unstuck with a hand to reach out to. I learned to trust the strength of that pull - fared me well - so far, so good. I lock down occassionally - can always feel the hands reaching out - not to drag me up - but to help me pull myself back up.

One thing I can't stand is going to pick my kid up from the school bus... there are people there I know. I lock the car doors, I don't talk to them - I can't - stuck in the past there. If someone comes to my car I do the wind the window down thing - smile and chat as if without a care in the world - and usually feel physically sick after. I get that like when I talk to real life people here " feel physically ill " they think they know me and haven’t a clue. They sometimes ask “how are you” " but, they never really wanna hear " it doesn’t really mean “how are you” " it means ... nothing, zip, nada, may as well say nothing " you can tell " they don’t look at me, they look at the person I used to be - ugh.

When I ask “how are you” " I ask because I’m interested in a person " not a pass the time of day thing. Tho, I do understand that asking is not about getting an answer, but the question is genuine " it’s just something I do " a bit like my hugging thing.

I'm only unstuck in my garden which is enclosed, safe and protective of me. I think the river gives me a get out clause - I could always jump in and flow away (figurative, not literal) " it makes me feel safe " the water, wind, trees, green, all so powerful, quite extraordinary. I don’t have a garden " I have my imagination and soul that grows there, becomes rejueventated, sometimes wearies, always carries on " bamboo is not bamboo " its tall and flexible, nothing will get rid of it, it bends and blows in the breeze, it gets hammered by the rain " but it never breaks " its solid in it’s core " but does not have a core, it's hollow, yet, " it just keeps going no matter what " you can cut it down, take off it’s leaves " but it’s still bamboo " I have lots of bamboo " my garden’s not simply full flowers and dead leaves dropping down " mmmmmmmmmmm.... need to explain that when I am less tired. My surroundings are like a palette to me - something new to imagine everyday - colour and life / images- not in the way that a pretty flower grows - but, how incredible is nature to produce that flower - each little something in the garden is a miracle and work of art, everything is a picture " I live off that " it shows me how to grow " not just how survive.

Oh......... I need to sleep now......... musing.... muddled....talking twaddle

Wishing you a peaceful weekend Endy. X

(ha " not gonna check " just send)
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 07:51 am

Gobsmacked by moss " it’s like whispers


face as the sunlight touches the rock

bearded wizard

went walking over here..
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 05:25 pm

just hmmmm

thinking about Endy - wondering if the blackbird is still in the conservatory.

been a strange day here. locked in.... locked everything out. Can't go out. Shut in, shut it out, shut it up. Who knows. Can't go out 'cept into the garden, that's safe. body is pained - but am happy enough s'long as i'm left alone.

been talking on fbook - haven't done that for a long while - been kinda nice catching up.

should be zzzzzing... not even close to it right now. hey ho.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 07:46 pm
thinking about Endy

Me too, Iz. Often.

(Hi Endy, if you should read this.)

been a strange day here. locked in.... locked everything out. Can't go out. Shut in, shut it out, shut it up. Who knows. Can't go out 'cept into the garden, that's safe. body is pained - but am happy enough s'long as i'm left alone.

Some times alone is the best option. I can certainly relate to that! Smile

But sorry to hear about the physical pain you're experiencing. Here's wishing you some relief from that. Soon!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2009 07:53 pm
until endy returns, here's a song about trees, sort of

Fake Plastic Trees

Her green plastic watering can
For her fake Chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth.
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plans
To get rid of itself.
It wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out.

She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyrene man
Who just crumbles and burns.
He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins.
And it wears him out, it wears him out.
It wears him out, it wears . . .

She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love.
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run.
And it wears me out, it wears me out.
It wears me out, it wears me out.

And if I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted
All the time, all the time.
Oh, oh.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 05:55 am

Sorry - i have been unwell, but getting back to posting soon, i hope.

Thank you for being here

I hope you are all doing good and happy

Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 07:50 am
Happy to be awake and alive and to see you posting.

Be well.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 08:43 am
Ah, Endy. edgar and I were truly concerned about you. Hang in there, buddy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 12:29 am
How lovely to see you here again, Endy! Very Happy

Let's hope we see more of you around these parts before too long!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2009 06:45 am
Its good to see you love. Well wishes Endy. x
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2009 10:15 am
I'm Checking Out - Meryl Streep

The finale from Postcards from the Edge.

She kicks it. I Loved spying Cuddy and Keelor in this one.

This always make me feel better endy, and since I can't send you flowers, I'll send this instead.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 07:06 pm
Thank you all for the posts, videos and comments.

I apologise to anyone i worried. As dumb as it may sound, i really thought I was doing the right thing. I saw people dealing with trying times and i knew if i stayed around i was going to add to it all. So I chose to retreat.

It's very hard when you can't talk about your anger, when it starts to spill out at people who have nothing to do with why you're angry - if that starts to happen i have to leave, shut the door, be alone.

I didn't mean to disappear for so long. Time lost its meaning. And i really did get sick, but i'm okay now.
Once again, if i worried you at all, please accept my apology.

Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 07:13 pm

Hi Izzie - Hey, when i was feeling low, i went on a journey through the trees that you photographed (I checked out your site - hope you don't mind me adding one of my favorites). I swear that sometimes I could smell that clear, green smell of the forest. It was just what i needed. It really was. I thank you.


Izzie - i'm sorry i wasn't here when you posted your message before last - but glad that Olga was. I sincerely hope there's no pain for you today.

Keep up the good photography, won't you?
Best Wishes


One of Izzie's great photographs
Reply Mon 27 Jul, 2009 07:44 pm
It's so very good to see you my friend.

Come and go as you wish Endy - we'll be here... but no pressure to post hunni only when you're comfortable.

Time seems to disappear when your heads full's of thoughts - days, weeks, months go past. Sickness ails that time further.

Thinking of you - I love you like my pics. That makes me very happy so I will keep snapping. .

Feel well Endy - know there's a understanding here in the cyber world - from folk who care for you. Be who you are, you are who are you to all of us. What you say, makes a difference. You may not see it. It does.

How's the blackbird? Still chittering away or flown the nest?

Looks like we're night owls tonite hun - I'm going to try and settle. If you still awake when the sunrise and the mist lifts... find some peace there. Lovely time of the day. Stars are oh so bright in Devon tonite. x

<very happy to see you love> x
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 02:06 am
Wonderful to see you here again, Endy!

And no need at all to apologize. But you know, talking about your own worries (if you're able, or even want to) doesn't weigh down other people (who care about you) at all.

Pleased to hear you're OK now, though. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 06:00 am
That is a great photograph all right .

0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Aug, 2009 07:35 am

please don't give up on me i will be back
Reply Sat 1 Aug, 2009 08:27 am
ahhhhh sweetheart - we'll be here - we don't do "give up"... ever. Love and peace friend. xxxx
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Aug, 2009 01:02 am
Give up on you, Endy? Never. Smile
0 Replies

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