Let's get rid of the Electoral College

Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 09:01 am
If you have been an anti-Communist spy Dave you must have been required to take some oaths. Such oaths are not invalid when your professional activities cease. Why are you not engaged in the fight against atheism and incohate Communism now?
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 09:03 am
@Frank Apisa,
My pity for you just increased tenfold!

Come back with hundredfold Frank. Let's get the theatre of the absurd show on the road.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 09:05 am
When we get to tenhundredmillionzillionsquillionfold they'll probably send the men in white coats for us and we'll be able to shoot the breeze in a padded cell.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 09:28 am
Fountofwisdom wrote:

Actually suprisingly close.
I did suggest anal sex with a marrow,
and not necesarily in a pleasant way.

Marrow is the substance within bones
that produces red blood cells ??


I believe I also mentioned sexual liasions with a donkey.
Possibly also mentioning anal penetration. I just got carried away.

Did he accept your recommendations ?
(Let 's not get into the sentiments of the donkey, in this situation.)


For some reason I got onto the Mensa mailing list.
They bombarded me with mail: stupidly I sent them money.
This only encouraged them.You had to do more than one test.
I regret having mentioned it.

That seems strange; it almost strains credulity.
I lack sufficient information to characterize English Mensa,
but I 've been on the mailing list of American Mensa
for over 30 years, and I very seldom hear from it,
except when its time to re-new membership and pay dues.
American Mensa does not chase people; it is too civilized for that.

I asked u in an earlier post:
was an English Mensan impolite to u,
thus to provoke u to tell Mensa to " shove it " when u passed your test ?
On this side of the Atlantic, that 's what the losers r more apt to say.
Maybe in England, that 's what the winners say.

I notice that u had no comment on the about 100 SIGs
that I posted for u from British Mensa. I think MOST people can
find some matters of interest in all of those possibilities.
As I pointed out earlier, in America, a member can start his OWN SIG. Its ez.
My friends n I have found Mensa 's conventions to be very enjoyable

Am I the only person who has got bored and suggested sexual alternatives for people who bug me.
It would be a sad world if it was.
I think everyone lived happily ever after.
Videos along the lines of what I suggested are now downloadable.
I should have claimed the copyright.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 10:32 am
spendius wrote:

If you have been an anti-Communist spy Dave you must have been required to take some oaths. Such oaths are not invalid when your professional activities cease.

No oaths were involved. It was an unsalaried job,
with an expense account; thay gave me occasional bonuses.
I gave a speech at a meeting of Young Americans for Freedom,
a conservative libertarian organization. The keynote speaker
was from the US House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Upon the basis of my speech, he invited me to a conference
at which my services were solicited to spy on local commies.
I accepted.
The actual spying was loathsome; the commies were abhorent.
It was a labor of love. I was once at a meeting with Gus Hall.
Leaving, on my way home, I saw him in the street and paused
to reflect on how quick n ez it woud be to take him out -- but
that was not my mission. I let him go, unmolested.

Many years later, after the death of communism, I read an interview
with him and I took pleasure in his having observed
the end of communism in Russia. (I am not usually a sadist.)

Why are you not engaged in the fight against atheism
and incohate Communism now?

U mean in addition to my being too old, fat, ugly n lazy ?

I take a libertarian vu toward anyone 's theological opinions
(as long as thay don 't try to blow things up or knock things down in America).
Upon the basis of people 's reports of death,
www.IANDS.org (and my own few & brief out-of-body experiences)
and experiences of some of my friends n acquaintances,
it is my understanding that the metaphysical facts
will be revealed to them in due course,
after their respective incarnations. I don 't believe that I need
to push anything on atheists. Bearing upon the wisdom of that point,
during dinner with friends in a good NY restaurant, about ten years ago,
a lady identified herself as "a Jewish atheist."
She was a mathematician who had worked on the Manhattan Project,
during the Second World War. She lamented that the worst event
in her life was the accidental death of her child in the 1950s.
I opined that the Law of the Conservation of Energy
applies to conscious life, such that his life was not really lost,
whereupon she became enraged (rather unexpectedly n rather loudly)
and SCREAMED at me: "my son is rotten meat in the cemetery."
She disapproved of my suggesting anything inconsistent therewith.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 12:09 pm
spendius wrote:

In the face of all this I might become anti American.
But I will always love Mickey Mouse.
That 's like claiming that T. Rexes might become endangered with extinction.

That's exactly the sort of thing Fountie was complaining about.
What are we supposed to make of it. It has dumfounded me.
I'm speechless.

Its a question of placement in time.
She spoke in the future tense of becoming anti-American.
I sought to imply that she has been anti-American for a long time,
the same way that T. Rexes have already been extinct
for a long time and that this is not something that will happen
in the FUTURE.
It was only a dramatic or emphatic way of saying that she
ALREADY WAS anti-American.
Do u get my point now ?


I've only written this as an attempt to do an A2K version
of a blank, glassy-eyed and unblinking stare.

But I'm not anti-American. Apart from the accents I mean.

Those accents can drive u nuts; the Queen speaks clearly.
I have no trouble understanding her; I have a lot of trouble
understanding the Cockney (sp ?) accent. My friend suggested
that we welcome in 2001 with the fireworks at DisneyWorld
in Florida, so the O. M. SIG flew south. (or some of us, anyway)
I arrived on Christmas Eve and thay arrived on Christmas Day of 2000.
I remember standing in line for some event, with a small group of
people immediately behind me, who were clearly using the Cockney accent.
What kind of seemed incongruous was that thay were all very clean;
almost sparklingly clean. Tho I 'd never thought much about it --
in the back of my mind, I had an image of Cockney types
as being heavily covered with black soot.
Clean Cockneys; it was like an oxymoron.
I did not question their cleanliness.
If Prince Charles or the soldiers in red were clean,
that woud be expected, but I 'd thought that the Cockneys
at least had some big, black blotches, like a leopard.
That did not prove to be the case.


They facilitate taking an inordinate amount of time to get over
even the simplest of ideas and presenting them as if nobody
ever thought of them before.

This is VERY TRUE. Some years ago, I went for a brief trip
on the Q.E. II. I was trying to find my way to the casino
and asked a young Irish fellow for directions. He was employed
on the ship, wearing a uniform. He was ostensibly very earnest
and polite
, but we were standing there for about 15 minutes
trying to figure out what we were saying; his accent got in the way.
I was very surprized that his efforts at expression were so
However, I did arrive at the casino.


Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 04:06 pm

We don't allow anyone to go to America without sprucing them up at the airports. They are as you thought they would be in their natural habitat.

I have a great deal of trouble with our accents.

I've never had any out of body experiences without a lady being in the room. I presume you discount those as being merely the loss of one's bearings and what you mean is floating up to the ceiling and looking down upon yourself.

What's it like? Do you have to be in Mensa to do it.

Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 07:54 pm
spendius wrote:


We don't allow anyone to go to America without sprucing them up at the airports.
They are as you thought they would be in their natural habitat.

Thank u; I got a good chuckle from that.

I have a great deal of trouble with our accents.

In America, there r some discernible differences of speech,
but not to the extent of interfering with understanding.


I've never had any out of body experiences without a lady being in the room.
I presume you discount those as being merely the loss of one's bearings
and what you mean is floating up to the ceiling and looking down upon yourself. What's it like?

Permit me to preface my answer to your question
with assurances of my having avoided drugs or having fallen ill; no fevers, etc.

I 've only had a few out-of-body experiences and thay were all very brief.
The first was in a school for ESP, inter alia; an offshoot of Silva Mind Control,
whose students were asked to lie down and perform remote clairvoyant heath
readings (like Edgar Caycee) on one another 's friends.
For this purpose, I was paired off with a lady who was unknown to me;
another student, one with whom I had never spoken.
I told her my mother 's name n address.
She astounded me with extremely specific descriptions of my
mother 's symptoms, some of which were very unusual indeed.
(I am tempted to use the word "unique".)
The condition of my mother 's health, I deemed private.
I made no mention of my mother to any person there,
nor to any person 's health before this event.
The people by whom I was surrounded were strangers; I kept silent.

I then had to return the favor and attempted to do so,
with unimpressive results, but as I was in conversation with her,
I felt that the lower part of my body (from my chest down)
abruptly moved by 90 degrees of arc.
This first oobe was incomplete -- not a complete separation.
As I was supine upon the very thick, soft rug, in active conversation,
I felt that from my chest on down, I was floating up n down,
as tho I were floating on an ocean, with waves going under me.
This continued for about 5 minutes; I liked it.

The next time that it occurred was upon the occasion of my
being informed of my mother 's death in a hospital.
If u had been there to witness this,
u 'd have seen a guy walking around the room
shaking hands with his relatives and thanking them
for their support during his mother 's last months on Earth,
but when this happened I felt that what I intuitively knew
was The REAL ME was discharged upward, into blackness.
I saw the scene below, with my ambulatory expressions of gratitude.
I saw it, and I also saw my relatives thru my material eyes, normally.

Several years thereafter, I was having lunch at a fast food place near
my law office. I was holding a hamburger, with my mouth fully prepared
to execute its ingestive function, every tooth as sharp as necessary,
when I found myself outside in a parking lot in front of a real estate
office, looking thru a window of the restaurant, about 30 feet therefrom.
I saw myself inside holding the aforesaid hamburger.
That lasted less than 2 seconds.

A few years later, I was taking a deposition of testimony in court.
At the time, I was a practicing trial attorney, having taken 100s of depostions,
to which I had become very accustomed.
It is a process of question and answer cyclically over n over,
for several hours; sometimes a rhythm is established.
In such a circumstance, I found myself across the courtroom
about 30 away looking at myself deposing the witness,
half laffing at myself across the room. Again, its duration was
about 2 seconds; maybe less. I liked it.

Do you have to be in Mensa to do it.

I 'm not really supposed to reveal this,
but the by-laws have some fine print.
Don t ask me about getting into Heaven either . . . .
I m not supposed to blab.

Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 06:47 am
I never thought that a practicing trial attorney would eat hamburgers.

It is a good feeling laughing at yourself.

But you are nuts Dave. You do know that don't you?

It is possible to have narcotics in the atmosphere of a room. And that a strange lady might well be unknown to you but you may not have been unknown to her if she was a part of the staff and you had booked in advance.

I once hallucinated for an afternoon with a fever. I was on a sunlounger on a hot afternoon. I had been reading Proust mind you.

It was gorgeous. "Death, where is thy sting? "

Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 07:52 am
spendius wrote:

I never thought that a practicing trial attorney would eat hamburgers.

We do if thay r close n tasty.

It is a good feeling laughing at yourself.
But you are nuts Dave. You do know that don't you?

Y do u hold that opinion ?
From the little that I know of u,
I 've gotten the impression that u r religious,
which concerns an after life; perhaps I am in error.


It is possible to have narcotics in the atmosphere of a room.
And that a strange lady might well be unknown to you but you may
not have been unknown to her if she was a part of the staff
and you had booked in advance.

That place became a social club for its students,
based on its offering to give its course over
forever for free. I made many friends there.
Good place to pick up chicks, and centrally located.
We hung around there for several years.
Some of my friends got jobs there.
It was a very small operation, personnel wise.
It never asked for additional money from ANYONE
and I coud have had my payment back merely by demanding it.
Things happened, qua ESP to me that were not on the agenda.
I felt and feel that the few hundred dollars I paid was
more than justified.

I once hallucinated for an afternoon with a fever.

Yeah; I did that too.
Around the age of ten,
I had a fever and I decided that I was delirious.
I was in bed recovering from said fevor.
I chose to have some fun with my mind, to wit:
mentally to hallucinate changes in the color
of the walls in my bedroom; it worked.
I had any color I wanted, for as long as I wanted.

I made it a point to restore the original color
before my normal health was restored.

Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 01:12 pm
I feel I should tell you Dave that I don't trust lawyers of any description. I know we need them but they certainly are as slippery as a basket of eels and as crafty as a cartload of monkeys.

Have you read Rabelais? Or Balzac.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 06:57 pm
spendius wrote:


I feel I should tell you Dave that I don't trust lawyers of any description.
I know we need them but they certainly are as slippery as
a basket of eels and as crafty as a cartload of monkeys.

That 's a very fine filosofy, Spendius, and one that I recommend.
Since the age of 11, I have not trusted ANYONE with more than I have been willing to lose.

However, we r craftier than MONKEYS, please !

Have you read Rabelais? Or Balzac.

No and no; in point of fact, SIMULTANEOUSLY I did not read both of them.
What was the upshot of them ?
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 07:07 pm
That lawyers, and some others, officer types, are as slippery as a basket of eels and as crafty as a cartload of monkeys and best avoided.

I only read books offering sound advice.

I can tell one that won't be doing on the first page. It's easy to spot fear of Mom, sisters, daughters and aunties.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 07:59 pm
spendius wrote:

That lawyers, and some others, officer types, are as slippery as a basket of eels and as crafty as a cartload of monkeys and best avoided.

I only read books offering sound advice.

I can tell one that won't be doing on the first page.

It's easy to spot fear of Mom, sisters, daughters and aunties.

Who has those fears ?
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 08:03 pm
More writers than you think. One famous writer refused to be published whilst his mother was alive. I forget who it was though.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 08:46 pm
spendius wrote:

More writers than you think.
One famous writer refused to be published whilst his mother was alive.
I forget who it was though.

Legal repercussions?

Defamation ?

Maybe fear of disinheritance ?
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 04:49 am
Oh no. Matters not covered in Mensa testing.
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 05:34 am
spendius wrote:

Oh no. Matters not covered in Mensa testing.

Is it your position that authors
stand in fear of their female relatives ?

I am a published author, of sorts,
to some extent. I assure u that I have not
feared my female relatives, nor any of them.

(Please don ' t ask me to identify myself.)
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 08:38 am
Is it your position that authors
stand in fear of their female relatives ?

I am a published author, of sorts,
to some extent. I assure u that I have not
feared my female relatives, nor any of them.

It is my position- yes. But with a large range of subjects it wouldn't matter.

Please don't ask me to identify myself.

I wouldn't dream of doing that. I will ask you if you employed your version of phonetic spelling though.
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 11:04 am
spendius wrote:

Is it your position that authors
stand in fear of their female relatives ?

I am a published author, of sorts,
to some extent. I assure u that I have not
feared my female relatives, nor any of them.

It is my position- yes. But
with a large range of subjects it wouldn't matter.

I don 't understand what
"with a large range of subjects it wouldn't matter" means.

Do u say that is IS your position
that because I am a published author
I thereby define myself as fearing my female relatives ?

If so, what do u allege that I fear
that my female relatives will do ?

Please don't ask me to identify myself.

I wouldn't dream of doing that.
I will ask you if you employed your version of phonetic spelling though.

I did not; u need to choose your battles,
hopefully with some degree of wisdom.

It is my judgment that use of fonetic spelling
( or ANY deviation from the paradigm )
woud have been unacceptable and foolish on my part
and woud have undermined & crippled the substance of my work.

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