@Frank Apisa,
Quote:Sounds to me, Spendius, as if you are trying to pass off your personal idiosyncrasies and insecurities as representative of what the rest of the good folks in England are like.
Sounds to you eh? And only "as if" at that. My goodness Frank--this is shredding language. Are people you know taken in by that sort of bluster?
Most of the people I have known, and they are and have been a very large number, would have been prepared to comment on those pictures in a much less flattering light than I have. They were shite. Not to put too fine a point on it seeing as you have sought to force the matter.
And trying to curry favour for your subjectivities by referring to the rest of the population here as "good folks" is babyish.
And on the matter of self absorbtion, I hardly think those who stick terrible pictures of themselves on an international debate thread, concerning an established and venerated American political institution, going about very mundane activities which they themselves have initiated and which they themselves assert to be a wonderful way of spending time in coffee morning language that means nothing other than self praise are in any position to charge others with being self absorbed. What five consenting adults get up to in some room on a nondescript night in a world this large is not something I can readily imagine anybody, outside of the participants, having the slightest interest in unless it might be to comment on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the process.
Only my natural politeness prevents me from designating that in its true colours. I can hardly believe what I read.
Quote:That anyone would really take the time to write that kind of sentiment about a gathering of people having dinner together and enjoying the company of one another…really is terribly sad.
How can anybody have any reserves of sadness left to be able to expend any on a trifle such as this is beggars belief. You must think you are the centre of the universe. I have no objection to people having dinner together and enjoying one another's company unless it stems from the pollution aspect and I hadn't mentioned that. It is to do with commandeering a serious debate about the Electoral College to stick your fissogs into our faces and imply that those who weren't there are somehow not leading as full a life as you seem determined to declare you do. Thousands of rounds of golf notwithstanding.
Quote:To the Americans reading here: Spendius and Fount most assuredly do not represent the kind of people most English are.
That's true. Most English would tell you what they really think about this nonsense. Fountie and I are too nice to do that. Most English are assholes Frank. Have you never heard of "perfidious Albion". We are duplicitous bastards. George said so.
Larding your posts with expressions such as "insecurities", "self absorbed", "petty", "terribly sad" (Ye Gods!!), "pity", and suchlike is not much different from having yourself a cheapskate preen.
When was the last occasion that you five met up for dinner and why did you abandon A2K for so long? Were all the other evenings in between taken up with exciting events which you were too reserved to bring to our attention?
It could look to some, me for example, that all those other evenings were so unexciting that you had to resort to such a desperate measure as that to provide a highlight in your lives. Are 300 million Americans engaged in that sort of thing on a regular basis. No wonder there's a financial crisis.
It represents an overweening sense of self importance as far as I'm concerned. You must be envious of the celebrities in the glossies who at least have done something, some of them, to deserve parading their daily doings before the eyes of the world.
From what I've read of Kicky's tastes he wouldn't get invited to a bull-terrier fight here.