Let's get rid of the Electoral College

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:30 pm
Fountofwisdom wrote:

Om sig was very rude.

I do matter. Frank has a lot of anger.

As to matters of domestic American political practices,
u do not matter in even the most infinitesimal fraction of 1 iota; not even for half a nanosecond.

As Americans, we owe it to ourselves to satisfy OURSELVES,
to make our OWN lives as sweet as possible,
and let the aliens be damned.

[ I suspect that I just answered my own question to Spendius,
about whether I have manifested an abrasive personality; maybe I m rong. I don t wanna be like Setanta.
Maybe I shud say something sweet to soften the blow. I can 't think of anything. ]

HOWEVER, we r also free to discuss anything
with anyone, if we choose to do so.
I c no harm in it.
Nothing that I said denies that. Its a good thing I 'm so humble.

In the face of all this I might become anti American.
But I will always love Mickey Mouse.

That 's like claiming that T. Rexes might become endangered with extinction.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:31 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Well I must say Frank, as a longtime student of physiognomy, that you all look to be really, really serious people. I imagine I would be so over-awed by your seriousness that I might remain silent.

I'll bet assertions were flowing like the water over Niagara falls.

George- when you decide not to play it is best not to announce it. It can look like a pouting thrum of indignation. I love indignation. It's so honest.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:49 pm
Well, Lola was there...so you got excellent press from her. And the rest of us all had nice things to say also.

It was a great evening...so nice to see Blatham and Lola again. And Kicky has been a stranger lately...now that he is working for a living. Joe and I have dinner often...although I have not been able to get into town much the last few months.

Thomas is a delight.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:55 pm
In the face of all this I might become anti American.
But I will always love Mickey Mouse.
That 's like claiming that T. Rexes might become endangered with extinction.

That's exactly the sort of thing Fountie was complaining about. What are we supposed to make of it. It has dumfounded me. I'm speechless.

I've only written this as an attempt to do an A2K version of a blank, glassy-eyed and unblinking stare.

But I'm not anti-American. Apart from the accents I mean. They facilitate taking an inordinate amount of time to get over even the simplest of ideas and presenting them as if nobody ever thought of them before. And the hypocritical listeners all pretend how fantastic the idea was so that the company become eligible to take their turn at the same sort of thing.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:57 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Thomas is a delight.

Was he now? Rather him than me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:20 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Well, Lola was there...so you got excellent press from her.

What was the worst thing Lola said about me?

You might tell her that I have seen Cavalleria Rusticana recently and it has caused me to wonder if that was where she derived her username from.

And thanks for confirming my suspicions about Bernie always wearing headgear. Except in the photo I mean.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Thanks Frank. Sorry I wasn't there (though not for the East Coast weather). I met Thomas a couple of years ago, but haven't yeet had the pleasure of mmeting you, Lola, bernie, Joe or Kicky yet. Looks as though you all had a great evening.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:36 pm
Fountofwisdom wrote:

Om sig was very rude.

I surmise from this allegation that Miss Wisdom implies
that (in contrast) she is not rude. Let us consider the evidence.
Here are some excerpts from several of her posts to this thread
that bear upon whether or not Miss Wisdom was rude.
This compilation is submitted as one exhibit.
Let the record indicate that this is marked for identification
as People 's Exhibit 1 and has been received into evidence.
Any reader is free to examine the thread
for a full appreciation of all context.

I will hi lite the significant language
insofar as it bears upon the point at issue.
The next voice u read, will proceed from the Fountain of Wisdom:

The same could be argued about Iraq:
Americans seem very keen on democracy there, but not at home. To show how idiotic you are.
The topic for discussion is should EC go. I discuss this, and you go all defensive about it.
I'm only pointing out that the American system is a shambles, produces bad leaders
, democracy is a good thing and the system takes to long. And that the American system needs to change.
You don't get that do you. Or the concept of debate.

[ directed to me] :
You are incapable of making a sensible point.
From these I conclude you are stupid
At least you stand your ground.Which is to your credit.
Now what I suggest is this. You stop trying to bully me: it won't work. Stop the abuse.
It doesnt impress me. Argue coherently. make succinct points.
Say something interesting or entertaining

So American: a group of people get together and not discuss things.
Congratulate each other on their insularity and ignorance. Offer no argument.

I don't believe in IQ testing so I won't push it.
Even tho I am officially a genius.
I told mensa (the british organisation) to shove it.

This is a reference to the world wildlife fund, wanting to prevent
an endangered species,the polar bear from becoming extinct.
The worldwide ban was vetoed by one country of barbaric eco-destroyers.
Global warming is also destroying the natural habitat of the polar bear.
The point was too sutle for you.

50% of Americans don't travel.
The most common reason for Americans to travel is to invade people. These are facts.

They are none of my concern because?
I should be ignorant like an American? Or because I disagree with you.
I have never defended British Imperialism:
I do point out that this effectively ended in 1948.
America still allowed states to ban black from voting then.

Is it called the windy city because the people are flatulent?

Or because the people spout endless dogwoofle?

There is absolutely no point in debating with Americans.
They have no idea what logic,argument, debate
or civilised behaviour is.
They have the political system they deserve.
It is stupid, and thus reflects the populace.


let every citizen of A2K constitute a jury of one
to decide for himself whether Miss Wisdom
is guilty as charged of rudeness in the first degree.

I do matter.
Frank has a lot of anger.

I wonder if this implies that the Fountain of Wisdom,
by way of contrast,
does NOT have "a lot of anger."

In the face of all this I might become anti American.
But I will always love Mickey Mouse.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:44 pm
Those photos gave me no inkling that a great evening was involved. I'm not saying there wasn't a great evening but those photos didn't convey it to me. I know what a pictorial record of a great evening looks like and they put it across.

That's just the sort of thing I referred to in my last post but two and it is something we in England simply do not understand. That one can have a "great evening" or a "wonderful time" simply by asserting that one has and thus prove that one's time had been put to the best possibly use is off my radar I'm afraid. Great evenings are few and far between in my experience. If they are not they can hardly be "great". And they can hardly ever happen as a result of intelligent design.

The last great evening I had was when Sixty Seven Valdeverde won the Grand National. In fact it was a great weekend lasting till Tuesday.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:49 pm
I vote NOT GUILTY. Nothing rude there in my book. I call all that gentle chiding.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 10:10 pm
spendius wrote:

I vote NOT GUILTY. Nothing rude there in my book.
I call all that gentle chiding.

OK; maybe the rules of civility r different in England than in America.
I respect your right to your own opinion.

Perhaps, Spendius, u 'll be good enuf to explain
how if Miss Wisdom approaches English Mensa,
requests to take an I.Q. test, has her request granted,
passes the test that she asked for, is offered membership
acccordingly, and she then tells English Mensa to " shove it . . ."
( I believe that the rest of the well-known expression is:
" . . . up your ass " ) that this is "gentle chiding" of English Mensa
and there is NOTHING RUDE there by the criteria of English etiquette.

Will u take a moment to explain the reasoning of how that works ?

One wonders how " chiding " finds its way into these circumstances.

Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 05:23 am
It is normal here that if someone told an officious type of person that "on this occasion I'm afraid I'm in no position to take up your most generous offer" they might well report the interaction to their friends later by saying "I touwd 'em to shouve it up their dirtbox." (that's a pathetic attempt to render the Yorkshire accent phonetically.)

Regarding the comments on this thread that Fountie has made they are only MOR vituperation at worst. We have an expression "to damn with faint praise" and reversing that one might say that Fountie has praised American with genteel vituperation. Many people in the world have condemned Americans in much stronger terms than Fountie has used.

The praises offered above for Frank's meeting and the photographs are faint enough to cause us to think they might be a form of piss taking. The idea that they are heartfelt and genuine really does seem odd in view of the fact that not only are the photographs, as photographs, of a very low order of expertise but that those depicted in them are people who have mocked the Christian God and the concomitant morality in very vituperative terms on a large number of occasions and have castigated President Bush and his administration as criminals and worse at every chance they saw fit to provide themselves with.

If George's faint praise was genuine it is incomprehensible to me as he is a Republican who presumably supported Mr Bush. He is also a religious person as I understand the term in its loosest application.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 06:17 am
Actually suprisingly close. I did suggest anal sex with a marrow, and not necesarily in a pleasant way. I believe I also mentioned sexual liasions with a donkey. Possibly also mentioning anal penetration. I just got carried away. For some reason I got onto the Mensa mailing list. They bombarded me with mail: stupidly I sent them money. This only encouraged them.You had to do more than one test. I regret having mentioned it.
Am I the only person who has got bored and suggested sexual alternatives for people who bug me. It would be a sad world if it was.
I think everyone lived happily ever after. Videos along the lines of what I suggested are now downloadable. I should have claimed the copyright.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 06:24 am
'll get real--Show me someone who isn't a hypocrite and I'll go out and say a prayer for him.

It's wasted on these people: they don't even understand their own culture
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 06:32 am
FOW wrote:
It's wasted on these people: they don't even understand their own culture

I infered that you said they had none Cool
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 06:39 am
They may have had one for a short period: they did their best to ignore it tho. American culture probably existed between the publication of slaughterhouse 5, and the recording of VU: the album. A period of about 6 months.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 07:31 am
Spendius wrote:

Those photos gave me no inkling that a great evening was involved. I'm not saying there wasn't a great evening but those photos didn't convey it to me. I know what a pictorial record of a great evening looks like and they put it across.

That's just the sort of thing I referred to in my last post but two and it is something we in England simply do not understand. That one can have a "great evening" or a "wonderful time" simply by asserting that one has and thus prove that one's time had been put to the best possibly use is off my radar I'm afraid. Great evenings are few and far between in my experience. If they are not they can hardly be "great". And they can hardly ever happen as a result of intelligent design.

The last great evening I had was when Sixty Seven Valdeverde won the Grand National. In fact it was a great weekend lasting till Tuesday.

Sounds to me, Spendius, as if you are trying to pass off your personal idiosyncrasies and insecurities as representative of what the rest of the good folks in England are like. I know them to be, in general, a much less self-absorbed people than you or Fount…less interested in saying things that denigrate America or any other country at every turn…and less inclined to be petty enough to make the kinds of remarks you made up above about our recent meet.

That post really takes the cake! That anyone would really take the time to write that kind of sentiment about a gathering of people having dinner together and enjoying the company of one another…really is terribly sad.

But I certainly can understand that some people just don’t have the makeup for “great evenings” to come along very often"and I can understand the envy seeing others who have an easier time of it, can generate. All one can do is to pity that kind of person.

To the Americans reading here: Spendius and Fount most assuredly do not represent the kind of people most English are. And if you cannot read those words Spendius wrote and pity anyone who would actually take the time to write them…you simply are not feeling enough compassion for him.

Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 08:38 am
Fountofwisdom wrote:

'll get real--Show me someone who isn't a hypocrite
and I'll go out and say a prayer for him.

OK take a look at ME (figuratively speaking).

I have only been a hypocrite as an act of war,
as an Anti-communist spy some years (or decades) ago,
and occasionally to avoid inflicting emotional pain
qua trivial matters in social circumstances.
Other than in those situations,
I am fully sincere n forthright; also ANTI-hypocritical in my ways.

I do NOT misrepresent my beliefs.

Since I learned to speak:
I FLY my personal flag.

Subject only to the exceptions hereinabove set forth,

Truth be told: its kinda FUN

It's wasted on these people:
they don't even understand their own culture

I believe that 's true in my own case (tho that 's a rude n bitter way for u to put it).
I keep seeing n hearing people who appear to be well known
entertainers on TV and I don t recognize them.
I have not been keeping up (except for my appreciation of some of the chicks);
qua the guys, I cant 't get much more recent than Elvis Presley or Clark Gable.

Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 08:42 am
@Frank Apisa,
Sounds to me, Spendius, as if you are trying to pass off your personal idiosyncrasies and insecurities as representative of what the rest of the good folks in England are like.

Sounds to you eh? And only "as if" at that. My goodness Frank--this is shredding language. Are people you know taken in by that sort of bluster?

Most of the people I have known, and they are and have been a very large number, would have been prepared to comment on those pictures in a much less flattering light than I have. They were shite. Not to put too fine a point on it seeing as you have sought to force the matter.

And trying to curry favour for your subjectivities by referring to the rest of the population here as "good folks" is babyish.

And on the matter of self absorbtion, I hardly think those who stick terrible pictures of themselves on an international debate thread, concerning an established and venerated American political institution, going about very mundane activities which they themselves have initiated and which they themselves assert to be a wonderful way of spending time in coffee morning language that means nothing other than self praise are in any position to charge others with being self absorbed. What five consenting adults get up to in some room on a nondescript night in a world this large is not something I can readily imagine anybody, outside of the participants, having the slightest interest in unless it might be to comment on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the process.

Only my natural politeness prevents me from designating that in its true colours. I can hardly believe what I read.

That anyone would really take the time to write that kind of sentiment about a gathering of people having dinner together and enjoying the company of one another…really is terribly sad.

How can anybody have any reserves of sadness left to be able to expend any on a trifle such as this is beggars belief. You must think you are the centre of the universe. I have no objection to people having dinner together and enjoying one another's company unless it stems from the pollution aspect and I hadn't mentioned that. It is to do with commandeering a serious debate about the Electoral College to stick your fissogs into our faces and imply that those who weren't there are somehow not leading as full a life as you seem determined to declare you do. Thousands of rounds of golf notwithstanding.

To the Americans reading here: Spendius and Fount most assuredly do not represent the kind of people most English are.

That's true. Most English would tell you what they really think about this nonsense. Fountie and I are too nice to do that. Most English are assholes Frank. Have you never heard of "perfidious Albion". We are duplicitous bastards. George said so.

Larding your posts with expressions such as "insecurities", "self absorbed", "petty", "terribly sad" (Ye Gods!!), "pity", and suchlike is not much different from having yourself a cheapskate preen.

When was the last occasion that you five met up for dinner and why did you abandon A2K for so long? Were all the other evenings in between taken up with exciting events which you were too reserved to bring to our attention?

It could look to some, me for example, that all those other evenings were so unexciting that you had to resort to such a desperate measure as that to provide a highlight in your lives. Are 300 million Americans engaged in that sort of thing on a regular basis. No wonder there's a financial crisis.

It represents an overweening sense of self importance as far as I'm concerned. You must be envious of the celebrities in the glossies who at least have done something, some of them, to deserve parading their daily doings before the eyes of the world.

From what I've read of Kicky's tastes he wouldn't get invited to a bull-terrier fight here.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 08:47 am
The pity for you just increased tenfold!

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