Sure there are more than ten commandments there are hundreds of them, there are lots of statutes, rules and even codes of conduct laid out in the Bible. Stories with social ramifications. Though these stories are not always true people still derive their moral standards from them.
The Bible says we will take up serpents and they will not harm us.. To some that is a call to handle snakes.
The new testament logic is not the end all of spirituality..
For instance it supposes that we are born alien to God and need to be reborn to meet God's standards.
This is the very seed of racism. It tricks the person into thinking because of something they have experienced they have divorced themselves from the human race and have then been born into a superior family...
The offspring of God... Is sounds so exclusive and elitist.
Rather, there is the idea that we are all born with a spark of the divine and all we need to do is fan the flame and we will all mature into more enlightened beings.
So we have the elitists that say, I don't want to help the poor if they are not part of my religion... I'll help an embryo but I won't help the heathen.
Should laws be resting upon a foundation of religion and spiritual elitism?